I believe the reverse is true- You're at the top of my list (This is also not true as it would warrent Nevarre actually thinking about Kaetlen in an aspect, whether good or bad). I promise I'm behaving Mel
Guess I'll fling my introductory post on here as well. I, too, have been on a number of MU*s, primarily MUCKs and MUSHes. I have been a long fan of nonmorphic animal RP, but unfortunately its a genre that, in my observation and experience, has been in terrible decline. I used to be on a dozen such themed MU*s, but almost all of those places are gone now. My first such MU* was a place called Wild Spirits MUSH, loosely themed after Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, though it did not feature any feature characters from that movie. Wild Spirits MUSH went down only a few years after it started ... there is a similar North American Wildlife MU*, the only non-morphic RP venue that I've been on lately that is still around and active until I was introduced here.
I hope to create alts for a variety of RP occasions on Narnia. The MU*s I have enjoyed in the past have mostly died, going outright down and never going back online or just idling inactively, Meadows MUCK being the only exception, but even it is not as active as it once was ... so I fear my RP skills are a bit rusting. I've had the ICA=ICC, IC/OOC discrimination trials by fire, though, and enjoy good IC-angsty RP from players who respect their IC fiends/nemesis and can be friends with the players of characters ICly hostile to theirs (not that I always seek to only have conflictive RP!). Unfortunately, my grammar and typing have gotten sloppy over the years, it used to be much better, but I hope to regain the skills challenged by experienced, talented players here, and I'm hearing good things about you guys and your RP skills. Very much looking forward to seeing them in action ...
Well I guess I'll also introduce myself. I discovered Mud/Mush/Muck games about a year ago when looking for a LOTR online game. LOTR and The chronicles of Narniaare some of my favorite books. I discovered the lion the witch and the wardrobe at nine, and read the rest of the books much latter.As for Narniamuck I found it while browsing for an interesting mud game. I hesitated cause I don't know how to RP at all. But what I read on the site was encauraging so I decided to try. Luckly I fell on someone very helpfull (I jumped on the poor guy with a dozen questions ) So I think I continue to play. Sorry in advance for all the blunders I'll make ! Oh and I still have a lot of questions if anyone is ready to be bombarded.