I can understand the reasoning behind the borders on the MUCK, I really can. I think it was a bit ridiculous when players would be in Lantern Waste RPing, then in Sted Cair a couple-three hours later, and then would be back in the Waste the very next day. I do get it. However, I did not see this happening on a regular, consistent basis, and think only a few players actually abused the system.
On AFD, one of the universal comments was how great it was to be able to travel across Narnia freely, without worrying that it would take a RL week to go to a place for a 1-hour RP or something the like. I remember all those wonderful hunting-parties, other parties, and visits to IC friends. You could RP a journey then, and most people I know did it reasonably. Also, borders don't really take distance into account. I can run back and forth across the whole of the southern Great Woods all I want, but if I want to just cross the Great river, I have to wait until the next day to go back, even though the distance between the north and south banks is far less than the distance between Winterden and the west border of the Great Woods. And I can traverse that as much as I want. It really isn't logical.
I'd really like to see the borders eliminated, or at least cut back. I think that, with our current playerbase, they hamper RP, stifling possibilities rather than encouraging them. People don't always have time for more than one character, so just making an alt isn't the answer. If someone took the time to create a wonderfully rich character, they should be able to RP that character regularly, instead of having to create an alt to get RP. But that is what the borders can lead to.
I can understand having borders restricting Evils from Ettinsmoor in Narnia and Archenland, or for Narnians and Archenlanders having border restrictions while over the border in Ettinsmoor. I wouldn't be so much against those borders, because we should not be able to move easily or quickly in enemy lands.
What I would like most is for all borders (with the evil/good exception) to be eliminated entirely. I think our players are mature enough to handle the situation and they can certainly be dealt with on an individual basis if some abuse the system. Barring that, I recommend taking out at least some of the borders, OR shortening the time before we can cross another one. So, maybe 4-6 hours instead of 24.
Please, consider this. I know I am not the only one who wants the border system gone. I truly think it has outlived its usefulness and is now hurting the game. If that cannot be done, I ask you consider my alternative solutions. I know MUs are not democracies, but again I ask you to remember and listen to the happiness of the players as they found they could explore the wonderful land created on our MUCK. Give us the chance to explore our land again.