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Mobile Apps
Thu Feb 26, 2015 3:25 am
by Antheia
I've talked to a couple people needing mobile apps recently, and I don't have a mobile to test them on so:
Do you use a mobile app? Which one do you use, and on what kind of device? What do you like or dislike about it?
Re: Mobile Apps
Thu Feb 26, 2015 10:52 am
by Aliyah
I have MudRammer on my iPhone. It's not free, but it's not as clunky as some apps.
Re: Mobile Apps
Thu Feb 26, 2015 7:26 pm
by Dreygan
Aright, so I've had a lot of grief with these things. I use an Android and was 100% determined not to pay anything (fine, I considered it but then chickened out because what if it still didn't work, I'd be down a dollar, horror of horrors). ANYWAY. Here's my memory:
BlowTorch worked really well at first. Display was decent, easy to use, all around solid. But after a week it started shutting down on me and then crashed as soon as it was open. Tried reinstalling (several times now) and after that it never opened for me more than once. Maybe an issue with my phone? Who knows.
Mukluk seemed promising, but... it wouldn't connect to NarniaMUCK. The info was right, everything seemed right, it just was always disconnected. I growled at it for a while then flounced off to try something else.
LensDroid was an ugly enough display I couldn't handle it. If I remember correctly it was really, really small and hard to read. Cue returning to BlowTorch for another couple tries.
Any of those three might work for someone else, but that's when I switched to trying on a KindleFire, and MuClient worked just fine on that. Not sure if you can get it on a phone, but if so, I'd recommend it. Only problem is it disconnects pretty quickly if you go idle.
Re: Mobile Apps
Thu Feb 26, 2015 10:28 pm
by Lydia
I use MUDRammer on my iPad with a lot of success. It's not free, but it's not expensive either ($5 or so, I think). This is definitely my favorite of the mobile MU* apps I've tried, but it's iOS only.
I used Blowtorch successfully on my old Android phone. When I got a new phone a couple of years ago it didn't work as well, so I switched to Mukluk, and that has worked pretty well as phone apps go. I can't remember if I've tried other Android MU* apps or not.
Re: Mobile Apps
Mon Mar 02, 2015 5:57 pm
by Weisfrill
I use Mudrammer on an iPhone with pretty good success. There are occasional disconnects, but they are not frequent. The main limitation I've found is that you can't set separate triggers, times, and aliases for separate characters (Maybe someone else knows how to do this?). So if you set your human to hit a target on a timer, your squirrel in another window will be attempting the same thing, resulting in error messages. Dratted violent squirrels.
On the plus side, it does allow timer, trigger, and alias setup with very little fuss, and once you turn the logging feature on, you can tell it at any time to send a log to your email address, which is handy.