For the MUCK Anniversary, we are having a few OOC contests here at the forums! One of these contests is the poetry contest. This contest is pretty loose, rules-wise. Your poem need not rhyme or be in a particular form or meter. We only ask that it be as family-friendly as anything you would post on the MUCK.
Here are some suggestions for inspiration:
Write a Narnian (or Archenlandish) tavern song.
Write an epic poem about something that happened to your or another character on the MUCK. Think of it as a sort of historical poem. Consider for this: the Fall of Ubel; the rise of Raistlana; the time your character proposed to such and such other character; a heroic moment for one of your pack/herd/etc members.
Write an epic poem about something that happened in the Narnia books (I would recommend keeping it in the history of our timeline, i.e. a few years before Horse and His Boy). Consider for this: the loss of Bree, Hwin, or Cor; the making of Narnia; the coming of the Pevensies; or the fall of the Witch.
Write a humorous poem about the history of Narnia/Archenland, either books or MUCK canonical.
Make up a new historic story for your species and write a song/narrative poem about it.
Anything else you can think of!
If you are musically inclined, you may want to make your poem a song and put it to actual music, or team up with someone to put a poem to words. We'd love it if you would! Be as creative as you can.
Post your poems on this thread. If you create a recording, you can link it onto the thread instead.
Poems will be judged on creativity, accuracy to MUCK canon (as is relevant), readability, and general entertainment. Contest closes Sunday July 10 at midnight PST (but feel free to keep sharing your poetry here afterward!).