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Swooniest Character Nominations

PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:09 am
by Antheia
Staff has been joking about having a "Swooniest Character" contest for months now and I feel it is time to make the joke a reality. This contest is meant to be all in fun and games; unless I am overruled by some zealous staff member there will be no prizes or in-game rewards for winning. It's just something fun to do, especially since the forums seem to be in a bit of a lull.

/swu:ni/ adj. Meaning that the noun in question causes a loss of blood to the head resulting in faintness or unconsciousness, generally due to trauma or joy. Related words: swashbuckling, debonair, ecstatic, dapper, fangirl

Before I give any rules, let me lay out some qualities to keep in mind as you nominate characters (examples may be debatable but are meant to give a general idea):
Attractiveness: While a swoony figure can be described as unattractive (Aragorn from Lord of the Rings might be listed in this category), most of them hold at least a swarthy sort of physical charm.
Suaveness: Most swoony characters will be smooth and cool (oftentimes even ladykillers or femme fatales). Exceptions might include figures with an overwhelming cute factor, but generally even a clumsy swoony person will make up for his/her klutz with excellent pranking skills, or suaveness in some other area (Puck from Midsummer Night's Dream has the potential to fit this bill and so does Peter Pan).
Toughness: Swoony characters usually know how to fight, and how to fight well, sometimes surprisingly so (Eowyn might be a good example). Again, on occasion, this trait can be replaced with skill in another field, especially if that field is pranking or intellect. (consider Jim from The Office).
Flair: Many swoony characters dress or speak with their own sense of undeniable style. This can range from strangely intriguing to downright dashing (think Jack Sparrow for the first and Mr. Darcy for the second).
Closed Exterior: Generally, swoony characters have layers, and few people see past the first one or two. In many cases, this makes the character seem mean, rude, crude, or unshakeable (think Malcolm Reynolds from Firefly). On occasion, it makes the character seem incredibly shallow (like Fiyero from Wicked).
Heart of Gold: Beneath that Closed Exterior is usually (though not always) a character that IS shakeable, soft-hearted, and/or deep. The heart of the character might rarely be revealed, or might be manifested in small, unusual, or hard-to-discover ways (think Viktor from Lackadaisy, Shrek, or [again] Darcy). On occasion this heart is suspected but never actually revealed.

Okay rules are pretty simple:
Nominate a character in this thread and give reasons why you think they qualify.
Character may be male or female.
You may nominate your own character.
Be careful when nominating to use an alt that makes sense-- don't reveal that your skunk knows a lot about such and such human unless such and such human is Really That Famous that you could know about him/her from OOC or IC knowledge even if you have not ICly met him/her.
Minor Featured Characters only: not the Pevensies, the Beavers, Mr. Tumnus, Lune, or Corin. These characters, though they may be well-played, are primarily Lewis-written and this contest is more game-centric. You may, however, nominate Cole, Colin, Dar, Darrin, or Chervy.
Don't nominate staff characters. :)

If you want to add qualifications you think should apply, send me a PM on the forums and I will consider adding it.

Re: Swooniest Character Nominations

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 1:23 am
by Antheia
Okay FIIIIIIINE I will make this easier:

They have to be friggin' sweet.

Nominate someone; you don't have to justify it! Okay but still no big FCs.

Play my stupid game pleassssse. :pout:

Re: Swooniest Character Nominations

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 2:10 am
by Blackclaw
On the Gallant and Charming Characteristics of the Fictional Character Known As Tyre
a treatise by blackclaw

To compete in the well-trodden arena of the 'swoony character', one must be prepared to provide an extra dimension of both characterization and description composition. The genre has been revisited and regurgitated so many times by now, the standard archetype expressed so persistently, that for any roleplayer to truly take hold of the audience's attention he or she must break from the mould, must defy expectations and sometimes logic, must invigorate the genre anew with his or her brilliant new expression of the 'swoony' persona.

That is where Tyre comes in.
At first glance, one might even not consider him a candidate for the award! His @description is quite vocal about his unremarkable physical appearance, and in roleplay his reputation could best be described as 'awkward'.
However, it is my belief that this is merely a facade, an oversimplification of his character built up by a general population that is not willing to look beyond the surface and examine the deeper complexities within.

For instance, his @description states that he possesses, "[an] unexpressive face [and] brown eyes hidden by thick spectacles". Clearly, the lack of expression on his face is evidence of deep reservoirs of suave cool. To express one's emotions in a visible way is the ultimate demonstration of total lameness, and Tyre has obviously moved so far beyond that behaviour that the fact is reflected in his @description, the indisputable illustration of his appearance and persona. As well, it is a commonly-known fact that in movies and TV shows, the protagonist need to nothing more than remove his or her glasses and style their "too-neat brown hair" in a different fashion to improve their quotient of physical attractiveness by at least fifty percent. Tyre has both of these factors, so it is beyond reasonable to assume that, given an eventual aesthetic makeover, he will emerge an unassailable force of beauty.

As well as being handsome, Tyre also possesses a clear sense of style. According to his @desc he "is quite well-dressed, in clothes that try to hide his lanky, awkward frame." It is obvious that he is aware of his weaknesses and attempting to downplay them, which is one of the primary purposes of fashion. He has displayed the inner fortitude of character to acknowledge his physical limitations but not allow himself to be defeated by them, instead trying to look the best he can under what you can tell he perceives as some unfortunate circumstances.

Continuing on that note, Tyre's fortitude of character is perhaps the most positive of his personal qualities. Faced with a domineering mother and a younger brother determined to bask in both their shares of the spotlight, Tyre has valiantly soldiered on, uncomplaining, performing his duties as the head of the Chesterton House with nary a single complaint. He has become understanding, strong, and brave.

Truly there are no characteristics, and no characters, that better define the adjective of 'swoony'.

Re: Swooniest Character Nominations

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 12:29 pm
by Melody


Petraverd- The warrior philopher

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:02 pm
by Peridot
While not as glib as the Blackclaw [see above], I too would like to nominate a very special character: The unicorn stallion who is Petraverd.
You may think that I am rather biased on my mate's swoon-factor, but perhaps you may be persuaded by his toughness. This stallion won the latest melee competition held in Beruna and has the golden torc from their majesties to prove it [not to mention an offer of knighthood]. He's stared down giants, werewolves, and even a panicky pregnant mare! His weekly sparring partners consist of Ulfden wolves and unicorn stallions. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Petraverd is a veritable brick wall in battle! :bang: He eats soft noblemen for breakfast mush. ;)
Perhaps his tough exterior hasn't convinced you?
He is Lantern Waste's resident philosopher, earning him the OOC nickname of Platoverd [facehooves not included]. He is also the winner of a Special Appreciation award, currently sitting in the unicorn inventory.
Petraverd is often the first welcoming face to new visitors to the waste, a listening ear, and a tough opponent to enemies.

Please vote Petraverd as swooniest character! :cool:

Re: Swooniest Character Nominations

PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:09 pm
by Ruby
I second Petraverd! He's been a great friend to me (same with Peridot) during the few weeks when I was new around here. (Not to mention the awesome Staff...but I'm focusing on Petra here. ;) ) He really helped me get into the swing of RP.

To sum up, I second Peridot in nominating Petraverd!! :D

Re: Swooniest Character Nominations

PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 5:29 am
by Jana
Ahem. I have two nominations which I think are in order here, and am shocked that they have been thus far overlooked.

Attractiveness: Being Calormene, Raistlana is exotically tall and dark. She also has striking blue eyes and is extremely physically fit. Also, she is a human which is way more attractive than any other species.
Suaveness: Raistlana's devil-may-care attitude would make any man or woman weak in the knees. She always walks about unperturbed; even a field of battle cannot sway her from her cucumber-cool composure. If her attitude does not make you faint, she can use her magic to make sure you do!
Toughness: Raistlana wins this category hands-down. She used to be one of the most powerful evil characters, which speaks to her ability to be undeniably brutish-- but her toughness is also diverse. She won the archery contest in the Beruna Festival, but can also wield both sword and fists. I have personally witnessed her face down a werewolf-- which is no surprise since she spent MONTHS in a dungeon cell with one! She also advises the kings on military matters and often goes out on secret missions. There are rumors that she has single-handedly rid Narnia of some of the most powerful evil characters in the game.
Flair: Raistlana defies the conventions of fashion, wearing a style all her own. Unlike most Narnian women, she wears pants, an exotic variety from her home country. She turns heads everywhere she goes with her trouser-ed legs, practical hair, fabulous scimitar, and dark skin.
Closed Exterior: No one pulls off a closed exterior better than Raist. She is so deadpan that when she "says" things, the game puts out the message "states"! She is no show-off, despite a brilliant mind and great skill with blade, bow, and fist. In fact, when not training, she can most often be found sitting in the darkest corner of a tavern, silently watching the patrons, expressionless and revealing nothing but absorbing almost everything.
Heart of Gold: Many, including Raistlana herself, might say that she did not qualify for this characteristic, but I think she has a heart buried deep below even her own consciousness. When Jana gave birth to Tristran, Raistlana was there. She is often giving mercy and kindness to young creatures, like when she trekked into Ettinsmoor to save Tempest from the Twisted Caverns, or any time she interacts with Tristran. Despite being quite wealthy, she has no love for money, and spends it often to help others. On many occasions she has paid for my family's medical expenses, and she buys wares from me every day, even though she has no need to buy food when she lives in the castle with a cook.

In summary, Raistlana is exotic, cool, tough as nails, exciting, deadpan, and generous. You're swooning just reading about her.

Re: Swooniest Character Nominations

PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 5:42 am
by Jana
My second nomination is my dear husband:

Attractiveness: Since the dungeons, Myrd has no longer the Gaston-like physique which I once admired, but he still maintains some of the rugged good looks of his younger days, not unlike Indiana Jones. He is somewhat tall, and definitely dark and handsome.
Suaveness: Myrd has made many a conquest, if his stories have any merit to them. While he has something of a temper, he can hold it when he has a mind, and he will take on any attitude or posture which he thinks will get him what he wants. He even managed to get me to marry him, and whether I regret it from time to time or not, achieving that marriage in itself is quite an accomplishment (threats notwithstanding).
Toughness: Myrd has broken out of a coffin in order to escape prison. He has also led numerous bandit missions, and been the leader of a notorious ring of brigands. He is even rumored to have taken part in murder.
Flair: Myrd has very expensive taste and knows how to pick a tunic or dress when the need arises. He also has the ability to maintain a rugged practical appearance when that suits him better.
Closed Exterior: Myrd opens up to very few, and it took me over a year to crack through his exterior, despite being married for some of that time and being partners in crime for most of it. He used to hold his thoughts very close to his chest, though recently he has allowed his emotions to become much more visible.
Heart of Gold: Myrd loves nothing more than to hold his little baby boy, and what is cuter than a tough militant sort of fellow holding his chubby little son?

In summary, Myrd is hot stuff, he gets the girls, he rose from the dead, he has good taste, he has the ability to hide his emotions, and he has a cute baby. *swooooon*

Re: Swooniest Character Nominations

PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 11:20 pm
by Nevarre
Give me a little bit of time and I will right a whole book on Nevarre's swoon factor, and ego. It's a win for sure. Though others can nominate me as well

Re: Swooniest Character Nominations

PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 2:50 am
by Emilia
If you nominate yourself, it automatically detracts swooniness points ;).

Not to mention we still want you to be able to fit into the den when you get back to Ulfden :P.