(I didn't see an obvious forum/thread for this sort of think so I'm starting this thread. Other new players feel free to append your own self-introduction.)
Greetings to all. A new wolf prowls the forests of Narnia. Snowback, at your service.
I have RPed or otherwise dabbled on a wide variety of MUDs, MUSHes, MOOs, and MUCKs. My MUCKing experience is the thinnest of any of the server families, probably because I never really got the furry scene that seems to dominate the MUCK player base, but did have a fun stint on Stellar Convergence MUCK (R.I.P.) RPing, and even building and coding a little.
Actually, I have been away from all forms of MU*ing for two or three years. Busy real life plus wandering interests, besides the fact that being in Japan makes the times I have available for MU*ing coincide with the low ebb of daily player activity on most servers.
I've recently been dipping my toes into the MUCK again due to interest in applying some of the technology to other projects. I was pleasantly surprised to find MUCK University in an on-line MUD list, a non-furry MUCK dedicated to MUCK technology education.
In the process of checking-out MUCK University, I found mention of Narnia MUCK. Though I hadn't started my MUCK research with the intention of getting back into RP, the interlocking staff between here and MUCK U., as well as a recently acquired appreciation for C.S. Lewis from reading Mere Christianity (memories of the Narnia series are vague and spotty from childhood long ago, the recent film was OK, but didn't really light a fire for me), made me curious. And here I am.
I've enjoyed chatting with a few of the staff who have connected at God-forsaken times of the day/night in their local time zones, and hope to catch more of you on-line sometime. Looking forward to noshing on small mammals and howling at the full moon with you!
Sincerely yours,