I am certainly not meaning to brag when I say I've been MU* RPing for over a decade. Most of those MU*s have come and gone offline. Each has its own flavor, management culture, menu of in-MU* programs, rules, interpretations of those rules (even when they are expressed as a rule common between multiple MU*s, such as 'Keep IC/OOC separate'), etc., of course. That said, there are some things about Narnia MUCK that I find a bit befuddling ... given how long Narnia MUCK has been operational (over a decade) and its level of activity, to me that establishes as fact that Narnia's system works quite well, it has survived where as the MU*s I have been on previously (aside from one) have not ... but it still leaves me a bit befuddled and uncertain at particular rules and rules interpretations.
I hope it is appreciated as healthy to ask questions and get answers. I feel, quite strongly, it is important to have as exact of an understanding of house rules for wherever I happen to be, whether its a MU* or other venue on the Internet or a "real life" home or business run by someone else. I always aim to abide by the house rules, but of course this is difficult when I don't know exactly where the delineations are.
"Keep IC and OOC separate" sounds nice and simple, but even that rule, common to all "RP-focused" MU*s, has different interpretations. I confess to not following it to an absolute interpretation, and allowing what has been a reasonable margin to improve playability and increase roleplay opportunities -- typically, on other MU*s, page, chat and game programs like 'where' and map are accepted to be used, despite their OOCness, to collaborate to organize roleplay. Relative to my experience thus far on Narnia MUCK, this OOC-provided information made it easier than my experience thus far on Narnia for players to put their characters in the proper MU* room to roleplay with other characters. I know Narnia MUCK has more elaborate means that clearly intentionally vague-ify locations. I am so accustomed to the way those other MU*s operate, that I had not thought about it and realized it was, technically, an IC/OOC mingling. I am a bit befuddled by how Narnia's system, taken closer to pure IC/OOC separation, works, as its hard for me to imagine it helping RP, but Narnia's enduring success and active users even after well over a decade is clear evidence to me of the fact it does work, but I hope I can understand it better.
I feel almost like everything I thought I knew about MU*ing is useless, heh. It reminds me a bit of Yoda's line to Luke Skywalker in Star Wars, "You must unlearn what you have learned." I beg everyone's patience, I apologize for rules I have infringed already (such as an innuendo I made and thought was PG-safe, but was uncomfortable for someone). I hope I am not the first user to find their way to Narnia after being accustomed to IC/OOC and other interpretations of common roleplay MU* rules can help guide me and keep me from causing trouble.
I am trying to adjust my behavior to avoid running afoul of Narnia's house rules, but this is causing me some conundrums which is the concern I am trying to ask for advice about in this thread (I apologize for taking a long time to 'get to the point' but I want to make it clear I am asking for help and not meaning to sound like 'You guys is meen for dooing this deffrant from eevreeone else waah waaah' which is most definitely not my feeling nor motivation in making posts like this).
The specific trigger for this thread was an idea my uncertainty about rules and interpretations is censoring when I started to think of making a post in the RP Discussions area of this web board to ask for tidbits of knowledge for Lapis, a Un'aireken unicorn. It is suggested in character creation to consider "backgrounding in" a character to a group, rather than introducing them on the grid as being born to some far-off invented NPC group and foreign to an established IC group like Un'aireken. This is comfortable and good, and something I have done in creating new characters for MU*s past, but runs into the conundrum of my character Lapis should know things, the idiosyncracies of Un'aireken standard behavior and culture, that I as a new player have no clue about. If I make a web board post, however, asking for extra information about such things my character should know if they were born into the particular IC group that I have not been able to find in the INFO, SIC files or even the UUB board that a Un'aireken group member character's player gets access to after their character (which, conversely, a new player would not have access to while trying to set up their new character or even initial RPs until they are OOCly placed into the IC group their background has them born into) so that I can avoid making mistakes like posing Lapis asking a predator friend what they had for lunch when a prey species would never actually ask that, wouldn't that be a technical violation on my part of OOC/IC?
Narnia MUCK has some rock star users and staff (Melody gets a 200% gratuity tip from me! ) with unbelievable levels of patience for newbs like me. I hopefully can get a clue about these things before ruffling too many more feathers/fur/scales/skin. Thanks a bunch!