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New User Login

PostPosted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 9:59 am
by Zayev
After searching for a half hour on how to find the registration button I finally broke down and asked.
It turns out that in his awesomeness Feaelin has included us in the forum database already, so to login simply enter your Narnia character name and password. :D

Re: New User Login

PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:13 pm
by Haelric
Awesome. Me likey. :grin:

Re: New User Login

PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:22 pm
by Layavin
Shiny new lack-of-registration forum! I don't even remember what my username was... :P Haha.

Re: New User Login

PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:56 pm
by Lapis
This befuddled me, as I am not accustomed to MUCK accounts linking to web/forum accounts. :P Maybe it could/should be mentioned in the registration confirmation e-mail sent out to new users that your username and password will also work on the forum.

Unfortunately, there does seem to be a bug that makes my user name and password NOT work on, despite a MUCK blurb informing me that I could "log in with the same character name (and password) that (I) submitted (a bug/gripe report) with." Attempting to login to that website gives me a "Invalid username or password" even though I checked multiple times and ensured it is my very same username and password that I validly log in with onto the MUCK and this web board. I submitted a bug report on this bug reporting and tracking system error (is that irony? :P), though of course since i can't log onto the requests board, I can't track it.

Re: New User Login

PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:10 pm
by Feaelin
Lapis wrote:This befuddled me, as I am not accustomed to MUCK accounts linking to web/forum accounts.

Yeah, I'm not sure how many worlds have gone to the effort of integrating in that fashion. It seemed like a great idea at the time. Your character name and password should work on: the game (obviously...?), the "website", the forums, and the web-based-request-system.

Lapis wrote:Maybe it could/should be mentioned in the registration confirmation e-mail sent out to new users that your username and password will also work on the forum.

That's a good idea. I like the idea of 'advertising' the web parts in the new player introduction e-mail. As long as it doesn't get too long...

Lapis wrote:Unfortunately, there does seem to be a bug that makes my user name and password NOT work on,

You narrowed that down nicely, so I was able to resolve it quickly (~45m) yesterday. Some special characters weren't being properly escaped on the request-system's side of things, so when it made the authentication attempt, the password it tested was wrong. Should be peachy keen now. :)