>Rosewood chuckles softly, "Trounce you soundly, they would. Me too if I was foolish enough to try to catch one."
<<Dextyr exclaims, "I am learning to bite good though! One day I will catch one!"
>Rosewood tries very hard to hide a bemused smile as she answers, "Of course, dearie. Most things can be done with much practice, they can."
<<Dextyr half-snaps her medium sized canines at the passing deer. "I am a good dog, I want to be a guard dog at the Castle."
>Rosewood nods agreeably. "I could see that, I could. Maybe you could talk to the guardsman Ca...hmmm. How do you pronounce his name....Cayden, I think it was. He might be able to help you train if it's really what you want to do."
<<Dextyr pulls lips back over semi-ferocious-looking teeth, skin wrinkling all along her nose. "Are my teef fiercsh enufff?"
>Rosewood draws back a little. "Perfectly...erm fearsome." She tugs nervously on the pink ribbon around her neck. Her little button nose quivers, perhaps in nervousness
<<Dextyr's nose unwrinkles and a long pink tongue lolls out of her mouth. "Oh good!" Dextyr slurps a couple of times in Rosewood's direction and sniffs the ground, trying to assuage her nervousness.
>Rosewood looks a little disgusted by the slobber. "I don't need a bath, I don't."
<<Dextyr licks her own nose nervously, "I need to go practice biting."
>Rosewood nods, reassured that the dog didn't mean any harm. "I'm going to pick some raspberries. Have fun practicing."
<<Dextyr says, "Good luck," wandering off, nose glued to the ground.