Your Otterwiz here, taking a break from trouncing Wickham at the new aerial attack game so that I can relax with a cup of tea and a plate of maple cookies. What’s that? They’re all gone? Well, at least next month it will be time for pumpkin cookies! That’s right…the days are growing shorter, classes are starting back up, and leaves are changing (unless you live in the desert like I do, in which case you have to count the rings on a cactus or watch the roadrunners migrate east to determine that it’s autumn). Here on NarniaMUCK, your staffies have been working hard to keep everything running smoothly. Of course, there has been the odd giant attack or two, but you can hardly blame us for that, right? They gave us cookies in return for those extra border crossings.
So what’s the forecast now that September is upon us? There is a 100% chance that the Great River will flood, if there isn’t a blizzard or a tornado. Areas of northern Narnia will see an increased probability of more giant attacks, if something even more dreadful doesn’t happen first, which is probable. Note to Melody: we really ought to fire the marsh wiggles we’ve had writing the forecasts immediately.
In the meantime, here are some excellent RPs which took place over the late spring and early summer. Voting will end in two weeks, in other words, on Friday, September 21st. Keep submitting your favorite roleplays and we'll keep giving out Silver Apples .
Between Wind and Waves: Dar, Cantil
Disclaimer: RP may result in a hermit crab being nominated for an Academy Award for best acting in a featured role. Voting for Academy Awards in any hermit crab category is strictly fair and unbiased.
Quicksilver Arrives: Peridot, Petraverd, Trianna, Garnet, Indra, Larkbeard, Eirwyn
Disclaimer: RP includes baby unicorn cuteness which is almost irresistible. Make sure to take all suitable precautions before reading, up to and including looking at something really, really hideous first to balance all the cute.
Thunderfoot and Posse Make Off With Nevarre: Ulfden/Winterden/Giants/Un'aireken/Most of Lantern Waste
Disclaimer: The staff members of Narnia MUCK do not recommend being present during a giant invasion. Doing so may result in dandruff, bad breath, and possible death. Also not recommended is tangling with Ulfden or Un’aireken.
Full Regalia in Myrtle Green: Tyre, Tyren
Disclaimer: Reading any RP involving the Chesterton brothers without a dictionary is incredibly dangerous and should not be attempted by anyone ever. At the very least, a thesaurus may serve as backup.
Do You Care for Her: Saeryn, Lorcan, Dalia, Merek
Disclaimer: This RP makes no attempt to answer whether a love triangle is equilateral, isosceles, or scalene. Any attempts to find a logical definition of triangle or learn any type of geometry from reading said RP will meet with disappointment.