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Drune's second attempt to pass the test for scout rank.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 8:38 am
by Zayev
In the Great Woods
You find yourself in the deep, vibrant forest that makes up the Great Woods of
Narnia. All around you, trees and vines and bushes grow in great abundance,
their leafy branches serving to block out a good deal of the sunlight that
would trickle down from above. There are very few clear paths here upon which
to walk, but at least you sense no real danger from the trees here. They seem
to regard you with a detached curiosity, allowing you to pass by without

The mountains rise up through the trees to the southwest of you, but you can't
see their tops from here -- just the sharp incline of the foothills through
the trees.
You can go: North <N>, West <W>

Drune pads up behind the deer, once the deer isn't looking he pounces on him.

Zayev nods, following the youngers lead.

{Battle with the deer through the woods}

Zayev smiles as the deer falls, but again, looks to Drune to see his reactions.

Drune continues to pant, eyeing his kill. "Thank you for the help Zayev...I would have had a lot more trouble without it." he says without turning.

Zayev nods serenely and eyes the doe. "A good kill."

Drune nods, licking his cuts "That it is..." Turning to Zayev, he sits down, looking at him quizzically " there something I failed to take into account during my last task?"

Zayev pads towards the kill, and smiles at the thoughtful question. Then turns to Drune, cocking his head quizzically, "What makes you asks such a question?" he asks before takeing a few bites from the deer

Drune pads up towards the dear, taking a few bites as well "Well... because, why would I be doing the same task once more if I hadn't missed something?"

Zayev thinks over the question as he eats for a few minutes, enjoying the hot, fresh kill.

Drune searches Zayev eagerly.

Zayev says, "The tasks can be a trick, in a way, but it was not so much that you failed to take everything into account. I would not have said you did well had you not done so. More there was an aspect you had not yet seemed to learn."

Drune cocks his head, looking a bit confused. "What might that be?"

Zayev chuckles admonishingly, "The lesson is less effective when not learned and deduced on ones own."

Drune nods slowly "I suppose. " Glancing off into the woods, looking rather thoughtful, " You know Zayev... if I may. Since coming here, you have been the only one whom has listened to me and really given me the time of day. Not to say I wasn't treated well by my other pack mates, but... you invested in me, even after all of the disrespect... you never stopped helping me." Turning back to him, "Why...?"

Zayev eyes Drune for a moment, considering his answer carefully. "From what you have told me, you have simply never been taught. Or only that strength makes right, and when you were faced with evil, you survived, fought back, and returned to those sworn to assist, protect, and help you." he growls here, "And they exiled you as worthless. Denying their duty. Yet still you sought out another pack to join, and for a time kept quiet. Even though you had been betrayed you still sought out family instinctively. Instead of turning against Aslan you rightly saw it was not his will for betrayal to triumph and you began to work against it." He shrugs after the long winded speech. "You are a good wolf, Drune. It is not your fault you have not been taught as you should have been. I seek only to allow you to discover that worth."

Drune lets out a small smile "I thank you for that... though, you have still have failed to answer my question... Why? Even after the disrespect... You are still training me. What if you find that my worth is not much?"

Zayev considers again for a moment, "There are two answeres to your question." he says with a flick of his ears, "The first is that it is now my duty. As Alpha I am bound to help those of the pack, so that they find their worth for themselves, and also to buld the pack. Before that? The second then is I do not belive your worth is that little. I follow Aslan as Honor demands I must. And such things are never a loss, whatever the outcome." He chuckles, here, "That, indeed, is a later lesson of the pack."

Drune nods, his smile growing and his gaze looking distant "If it weren't for Aslan, I don't know where I would be... surely not here. I am not sure I would be alive..."

Zayev nods soberly, "A strange thing. Whatever paths we choose in life, and whatever the evils we suffer for, it seems he always, somehow, can turn those very evil times into ways to learn, and grow stronger." he shudders slightly, "And somehow preserves us until we can learn."

Drune nods "I couldn't agree more my friend. Even in the darkest times, he provides hope. Even in the most confusing, he provides clarity. The question is... can we learn from the mistakes that we have once made as to not repeat the again?" Glancing over at Zayev "It would seem that, in at least one way, you have done the same as Aslan. I disrespect you, and yet you stay with me and help me. I make a mistake, you stay with me and help me... Far be it from me to put you on the same level as the Great lion, but I do find that Admirable of you. Also... if that is not honor at its finest, then I don't know what is."

Zayev smiles slightly at Drune's words, looking away to scan the woods. "I do as I can." he says simply. then tuns back to the wolf and tries to regain control of the conversation. Nodding to the deer he asks, "What did you learn, so far at lest, in this hunt?"

Drune grins slightly. "Well... that two are better then one. for starters. " Letting out a soft sigh, "Everything just being reaffirmed.

Zayev nods, "Close enough. That is the lesson. The pack is to always support itself and help. Simply because you or I /can/ hunt succesfully alone, does not always mean its best to do so. The pack must be as one. And if in little things of hunting, how much better in larger things?" he cocks his head for a moment, makeing certain Drune hears him, then nods. "This is the first lesson of the Pack. Remember it well Scout."

Drune smiles, nodding soberly "I will do so."

Zayev grins and nods to the deer, "It is time we return then."

Drune picks up a dead deer.

Zayev grins and padds off towards the den.