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Lady Honour's Choice

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:20 am
by Elriya
Shar's Suite [Nobles Quarters]
This is a well-appointed suite on the second level of Anvard. A curtained, canopied bed sits opposite the door. An armoire of some dark wood is provided for clothing, and a small desk holds other personal items. Two windows allow sunlight to come streaming in, and also provide a breath-taking views of the countryside. It's a nice place for Shar to stay in during visits to Anvard.
You can go: Out <O>

Elriya is sitting in one of a pair of armchairs near the window. Her head is bent slightly over a book.

Honour knocks on the door of the suite and enters. She drops a curtsy and folds her hands in front of herself. "You sent for me, Milady?" She smiles, slightly out of breath. She's clearly been out riding most of the day.

Elriya looks up toward the door at the knock, then smiles, setting aside her book and rising to curtsey in return. "Indeed I did, and it appears you did not delay." She gestures toward the second chair. "Do sit. You look quite flushed."

Honour takes the seat indicated, running her hands through slightly windblown locks. "Do I? I've been out in the sun a bit today."

Elriya nods her understanding, resuming her own seat. "And how did you find it? The weather was pleasant for riding, I hope?"

Honour nods. "Aye, very much so. Venia and I quite enjoyed ourselves. I do apologize it rendered me out of reach enough for you to have to summon me."

Elriya smiles and shakes her head a little in dismissal of the apology. "It is nothing that will be greatly altered by a few hours gained or lost. I only did not wish to miss you when you came in."

Honour ahs. "It worked, then." She smiles. "Your messanger found me right as I was finishing Venia's care."

Elriya nods her understanding. "Tell me, did you see Lord Dar on the roads today? I believe he would have been riding west."

Honour shakes her head. "I did not. I did not see that many people, really. Is he traveling to Lancelyn Green on the King's business?"

Elriya shakes her head. "Nay, to Carmichael to speak with Lady Priya and Darrin on a more personal matter. It is likely that he left rather earlier than you did, in any event."

Honour nods in understanding. "Most likely. He would have wanted to get as far as possible before the full heat of the day."

Elriya nods. "Quite so, and he does not plan to be gone for long." She leans forward minutely, and her tone becomes slightly more pointed and less conversational, though the change is subtle. "But that is not precisely why I wished to speak with you this eve, as you have likely guessed."

Honour nods, smiling slightly. "Yes, I had gathered. Is everything all right?"

Elriya smiles encouragingly. "It is, though I have some news for you that I think you may find unexpected." She pauses for a moment, as if considering her words, then watches Honour's expression as she continues. "You are aware, I think, that as your guardian, my duty is not simply to provide for your current needs, but also for your future welfare?"

Honour's brow furrows slightly, unsure of where this is going. "Yes, of course."

Elriya smiles faintly at Honour's expression. "And though you have expressed no concerns to me, I think you cannot be unaware that you have attained the age at which it is in a girl's best interest to secure her future through marriage."

Honour's expression clears, becoming slightly guarded. "Ah, yes. That." She chews on her lower lip slightly before offering a weak smile. "It's about that time already, I take it?" she quips. Jokes aside, she appears prepared for whatever her guardian has to say.

Elriya smiles affectionately at her young charge, and proceeds in a gentle tone. "It is indeed, and though you may not know it, you have been prepared for this task, and I believe you are ready."

For a brief moment Honour looks slightly panicked. "Ready?" She repeats. "!"

Elriya purses her lips, largely concealing any amusement in her expression, before continuing with a reassuring calmness. "I have not called you here to tell you what day you may expect to wed, but yes, before very much longer, if all goes as I expect it will."

Honour - always one to wear her heart on her sleeve - shows a vast array of emotions in quick succession in her eyes she she processes this. She finally nods her head in acceptance. "I knew it was only a matter of time. I honestly did not expect it this soon, but you know better than I what is appropriate. If you say I am ready... I trust you." She finally blurts, filled with resolve as her mind grows used to the idea.

Elriya gives her a soft, pleased smile. "I am glad to hear it, and I hope you do not think that simply because you may be wed, I will no longer offer you guidance should you ask it."

Honour looks rather stricken at the idea of no more guidance from Elriya and she looks at her with alarm. "Please, always! I wouldn't want you to - I mean, I hope you don't think that I wouldn't want..." She stammars, the words tumbling out in a jumble.

Elriya's eyes twinkle as she watches the flustered girl before her, but the balannce of her amusement is well controlled. "No, I do not think that. I would hope to know you a little better than that, in any event," she teases gently.

Honour smiles weakly and puts her head in her hands for a moment before she strengthens her resolve. Glancing nervously at Elriya, she asks, "May I inquire if there is an identity for my future husband yet?"

Elriya watches her steadily with an expression of compassion. "You may indeed. I have considered at length, and I do not believe that there is anywhere you would be better suited to serve as Lady than Coghill, nor that there is any who would be better prepared for that task than you have become these last years. I have spoken with Lord Dar, and he is agreeable, provided that you are as well."

Honour takes a moment to react before she looks thoroughly dumbfounded. Her mouth goes slack and she just stares at Elriya in shock.

Elriya offers a small, encouraging smile, allowing her what time she may need to grow used to the idea.

Honour swallows and responds, sort of. Her voice pitch is all wonky when she speaks. "L..Dar. Y...your son. /YOUR/ son Dar? Wait, what?"

Elriya smiles patiently, nodding. "Yes, indeed. He is not betrothed, nor has he yet formed an attachment to any lady, and he can no sooner afford to go on that way forever than you can."

Honour says "He's the Steward! I'm your is that supposed to..."

Elriya smiles in understanding of the unfinished question and explains in a kind, even tone, "Yes, but one of full noble blood. Your own parents may not be here, but that does not make you a beggar by any means. He is the Steward now, but he will be Lord of Coghill for more years than he will be aught else, and he will require a wife who is prepared to fill that role. There are few daughters of second sons who can claim that of themselves, for they have not had the advantages in upbringing that you have had of late."

Honour still looks rather blown away, running a hand through the locks at the top of her head, her fingers remaining tangled as she lets all this sink in. "And you think I am the best choice..."

Elriya nods calmly and answers in a sure tone, "I cannot think of a better."

Honour gives her a skeptical look. "After everything that has happened?"

Elriya smiles knowingly. "Tell me, Lady Honour, what do you know of my son's character? You cannot be entirely ignorant of it any longer, I think."

Honour is quiet a moment before she responds. "Loyal, hardworking almost to a fault. If it were possible he'd take on the burdens of the whole world if he could spare anyone else the trouble." she pauses before continuing frankly. "He hides himself behind his work because it's safe and no one can reach him there."

Elriya nods, listening quietly as Lady Honour speaks, then considering her own words thoughtfully. "And do you think that someone who would not have drawn censure in the way that you have--who has abundant social graces and uses them to disguise her mind--would be someone who Lord Dar would be willing to burden with his cares? Do you think that if he thought you were content not to know such things, he would have allowed you to divine what you have just told me?"

Honour is silent for a moment. "No, he wouldn't have." She agrees.

Elriya nods slowly, allowing her companion time to consider the meaning of this statement before continuing. "I do not ask you these things to lay criticism to any other lady here at court, but to help you understand that my son does not need someone who is simply well-spoken and accomplished, for were he to attain that alone in a bride, she would uphold is reputation flawlessly, it is true, but he would be no less alone in his cares than he is already. I would ask more for my eldest child than that."

Honour responds quietly, "Someone to be a helpmate for him. Who knows the people of Coghill and can help him meet their needs as well as his own."

Elriya nods, smiling on Honour with an expression of love and pride. "Yes. I know that you would not be content to be another of his burdens."

Honour nods silently.

Elriya's expression takes on a light of humor. "That is not to say that he will know to expect these things of you. There is much about marriage that I will not be able to teach either of you myself--you will teach each other those things."

Honour hehs, sitting up straighter in her chair. "It sounds rather...intimidating."

Elriya says in an understanding tone, "I will not pretend it is a simple endeavor, but I think that you will at least grow beyond the fear of it before long. What is it that concerns you most?"

Honour knits her fingers together. "That I will fail him and disappoint you." She says frankly.

Elriya nods, smiling musingly. "I do not think it wise for you to expect to get everything right when first you try it, but you would have to go very wrong indeed before you could consider the matter a failure. And you will have all your lives to perfect the art."

Honour quirks a smile at that. She falls silent once more, absorbing all that she has heard. Folding her hands together, she looks at Lady Elriya once more. "Have you spoken to him of this?"

Elriya lifts her eyebrows slightly in inquiry. "Of the match in general, or of how he should proceed once it is made?"

Honour hehs. "I was refering to the match in general."

Elriya nods her understanding. "I have. I would not say too much of his thoughts on the matter for fear of representing him wrongly, but he is aware that marriage is his duty as Lord Shar's heir, and he will proceed if you are willing."

Honour chews on her lower lip unconsciously.

Elriya gives a small, knowing smile and says in a comforting tone, "I know that he will wish to speak with you upon his return a few days hence. We will not make any anouncement until then, so you may use that time to grow accustomed to the idea, and to consider what questions you may wish to ask him and what answer you will give."

Honour rises from her chair and paces quietly a few steps, deep in thought. She folds her arms across her chest. After a moment she turns to face Lady Elriya with a question. "We both know your son. He'll do this simply because it is his duty, no matter his feelings on the matter. I...wouldn't feel right agreeing to this unless you are sure with absolute certainty that this is what is best for him."

Elriya watches her movements, listening attentively. "I have no doubt of it. As you have said, he will think only of his duty, and of those he serves. There must be someone who seeks that which is best for him, and as the mother of the man he has become, that is no longer truly my right." Here she smiles, and there is a hint of mischief in her expression. "A wife, however..."

Honour gives her one of the wry-est looks ever known to man. "Did you have someone in mind?" She jokes, relenting her thoughtfulness for a brief moment.

Elriya smiles knowingly, but her tone is grave. "You have a strong will, Lady Honour. I do not think you would let any man neglect that which it is your right to command."

Honour can't resist a slight smirk. "You know me too well, Milady."

Elriya gives her an amused look before sitting forward slightly and resuming a more earnest expression. "Indeed I do, and you may be sure that Lord Shar and I would not ask this were we not sure that it would bring the best outcome for both of you."

Honour holds her elbow, her other hand playing with her hair. "I know." She nods.

Elriya nods her acknowledgement of this. "Is there any other way I may put your mind at ease?"

Honour looks at her gratefully. "No, I don't think so. I just need to sort it all out in my head."

Elriya smiles in understanding. "Very well. You know that I will be here should I be of use to you."

Honour returns the smile. "Always."

Elriya rises and takes Honour's hand in both of hers, holding it there for a few moments. "I will speak with you soon, dear girl."

Honour squeezes Elriya's hands, looking slightly overwhelmed but nevertheless ready for anything. "I look forward to it."

Elriya smiles in agreement and curtsies. "As do I. A good eve to you, Lady Honour."

Honour gathers her skirts and curtsies in return. "To you as well." She replies.

Elriya steps back, watching her with an expression of maternal affection as she allows her to take her leave.

Honour walks towards the door, still absently holding her skirt in her hand. When she reaches the door she remembers and lets them drop back to the floor. She opens the door and glances back, pausing on her way out to smile at her guardian before she departs the room.