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Oliver and Astor talk shrubbery

PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:34 am
by Astor
Kitchen Garden
The area behind the inn is a well-tended garden, providing the kitchen with
most of its vegetable needs. The north side of the garden is neatly tended,
with vegetables and berry bushes lined up smartly, easy to look over, and
pruned with precision. A small apple tree stands in the corner, almost part of
the forest. A stone path works its way methodically through this part of the
garden. To the south, however, the path begins meandering, moss peeking in
between older, cracked stones, and here the vegetables give way to a quaint
flower garden.

You can go: Simetra's Garden <S>, Up <U>, Kitchen <W>

Oliver walks toward you from the kitchen.
====> Oliver is a young Son of Adam, with blonde hair and brown eyes.

Astor wipes his brow, setting down metal clippers at his feet. The fruit bush in
front of him lies half pruned.

Oliver steps out into the gardens, shading his eyes with a hand against the sun.
He spots Astor and grins, heading that way. "Master Innkeeper? I thought you
might like something to drink," he holds out a mug.

Astor ahs, hearing the lad's voice. He grins tiredly at Oliver, accepting the
mug of water. "Thank you, lad. This sun is..." He wipes sweat from his eyes
with his free hand. " today."

Oliver nods, curls flying everywhere as his own grin widens in return. "It is
trying to fry us."

Astor tugs at the tunic material on his chest and releases it to allow some air.
"Aye. That it is, although..." He grins sheepishly, "I ought to have
listened to the Mistress Innkeeper and done this earlier in the day. That part is my own
doing." He inspects the fruit bush, cocking his head to the side.

Oliver giggles, kneeling down to look at the bush. "Why does it need to be

Astor chuckles at his choice of words. "All good plants that we grow need to be
pruned from time to time or else they get out of control. For some plants, if
they are not pruned, they lose flavor in their leaves and berries. Others, like
rosebushes, will out grow their allotted place and choke other plants. Ivy will
tear down buildings if it is not kept in check."

Oliver cocks his head, thoughtful. "But the ivy looks pretty on the buildings.
Why will it tear down buildings? And why do the leaves and berries lose flavor?"
Astor sits under the shade of the apple tree for what little shade the tree
affords. "Ivy knows how to tear bricks apart. Even the best stone mason is no
match for ivy. As for leaves and berries losing are better to ask
a true gardener. I am still learning." He pauses thoughtfully, "Although Asa
may know the answer as well."

Oliver watches the man that has come to be his father. "Between you and Master
Asa, you know everything in the whole of Archenland, don't you?" He looks
longingly at the apple tree. "Will it produce fruit soon?"

Astor chuckles lightly and taps his forehead with a finger. "It seems like I
know a good deal, but compared to someone like His Majesty or Sir Cole, I have
only touched upon the surface of knowledge." He glances at the apple tree
thoughtfully, "I think the best apples appear around the fall. We might make
some fresh cider or spread for bread or if we are lucky, maybe the mistress will
make us a pie."

Oliver bounces slightly at the thought of such treats. "It would be very
delicious. And someday...someday I'll know more then anyone, if I try hard
enough, right?" He turns large eyes on Astor.

Astor smiles with mirth, "Oh, aye lad. Baring the Emperor Over the Sea, of
course. But you had better study very hard if that is what you truly wish to
do. Even the most intelligent scholar does not know everything."

Oliver nods quickly, eyes bright with ideas already. "And someday, I will write
a book, to be added to the great libraries. And people will come to this Inn
from everywhere to stay, just to talk with me. I will make it happen, if I

Astor nods encouragingly, "Aye, lad." He finishes the mug of water, pouring
some of it out over his head to cool off. Then, setting the mug down, he picks
up the clippers and eyes the bush he had been working on once more. He makes a
few inexpert clips at the bush and frowns a little, clipping some more from the
other side. "Does that look even to you, lad?"

Oliver steps back, looking at the bush critically for a long few moments. "No,"
he finally says. "The right side isn't even with the left. The left is shorter,
but the right also has more taken from the top then the left does."

Astor sighs, clipping a little more. "If I clip this too much more it will die
and your mo...the mistress will kill me." He somehow manages to even the bush,
but more than a few branches are rather bare.

Oliver makes a face, watching the pruning. "It looks much better. Will mistress
really be all that mad?"

Astor sighs, looking at the imperfect pruning job he just did. "Aye. She
worked hard to grow this bush and she makes good pies that we can sell or barter
with the berries."

Oliver makes a soft noise of understanding. "She is a wonderful cook."

Astor admits, "She has come a long way with cooking." He moves to the next
hedge, wiping his brow on his sleeve.

Oliver edges forward. "Is there a way I might help?"

Astor hmms, "Were you an experienced gardener, I would leave these to you.."
His gaze drifts toward the apple tree, which will also need to be pruned. He
grunts, turning back to the lad. "Your company is fine. Unless the mistress
instructed you to return once you brought me water from the well?"

Oliver shakes his head, smiling brightly. "She said I might help you, if you'd
like. And I was not to bother Master Asa or Lady Rosalind with my questions

Astor chuckles gamely. "Aye. Well then stay and keep me company." He eyes the
new bush.

Oliver nods. "I don't suppose I could perch in the apple tree while you prune
it, might I?"

Astor winces slightly as he glances at the clippers in his hand. "So long as
you're out by the time I get to the apple tree. These are sharp, lad, and I
wouldn't wish to get you by accident."

Oliver scrambles up the apple tree nimbly. "I promise to move as soon as you
come to the tree. I wouldn't want to be cut. It might require healing."

Astor questions, "Healing? Lad, at the rate I am doing this, I'm talking
dismemberment." He grins in such as way as to be taken lightly.

Oliver laughs, shaking his head. "I would not do well dismembered. I run around
too much."

Astor chuckles and then turns back to the bush he was trimming while Oliver watches from the apple tree.