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Meadow Conversation

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:58 pm
by Caileana
June 6, 2011
Gathering Circle
What a sweet place you have wandered to. The forest trees here are scattered
across a soft meadow of heather and wildflowers, and the sun dapples the
ground through the leaves above. This is a wide section of earth, and it
seems to be a gathering place - indeed, there is a ring of stones in one side
of the open clearing where it seems fires have been built over many nights.
To the south, a worn path leads to the Cauldron Pool and the waterfall that
feeds it. You can also see a path leading west toward the cliff-face. To the
east the path leads into the deeper forests of Lantern Waste.

You can go: Clearing <N>, Into Lantern Waste <E>, Cauldron Pool <S>, Base of
the Cliffs <W>

Niffum puts her axe in it's sheath and rises grinning at the young squirrel's torrent of questions. "Well, 'lo there young Applebud. I be Niffum, I'm a Dwarf o' ta Madder 'olt an' I ain't a king nor queen, but I 'ave met them. Use ta work in ta castle as chef, what days those were."
Niffum turns and nods in greeting to the wolf "Lo there Caileana

Applebud squeaks and scampers down, "It's the nice wolf!" Dashes over "Hi! I'm glad to see you again!"

Caileana pads softly into the Gathering Circle, ears pricked alertly. When she notices the pair, she smiles and greets them both. "Good evening Niffum, Applebud." She represses a chuckle at the small squirrel.

Applebud exclaims, "You're back! your back! Your back!"

Caileana does chuckle and answers, “I never left, silly.”

Niffum chuckles at the young squirrel's enthusiasm and smiles to Caileana, "So how fare ye Caileana?"

Caileana seats herself, tail fanning out behind her. "Well, thank you. Yourself?"

Niffum nods, "Aye, will prob'ly be movin' on nex' few days, spoke wi' Petraver' last night." She turns to the young squirrel, "An' 'ow are you young'un, you sure do have quite a lot o' energy you do." She chuckles as she says this

Applebud asks, "you spoke to Petraverd??"

Niffum nods, "Aye, I've been a traipsin' 'bout an' come up 'ere ta give my greetin's an 'gratulations on 'is bein' mated. Ya see, I've been away in Ar'enlan' for many a month an' 'aven't been ta th' waste fer even longer, so I set out ta come up 'ere an' back ta me 'ome in ta Madder'olt

Applebud says, "the unicorns are the best. How do you know Petraverd? how long where you a cook at cair? Mother says I have a lot of energy but I just can't help it"
Applebud asks, "where is Madder olt?"

Caileana observes this exchange with a silent smile.

Niffum blinks and grins as she attempts to take in the squirrel's barrage of questions. "Well, lemme see. Firs' ta Madder'olt is where mos' o' ta Madder dwarfs call home. I'm a Madder dwarf, but I live down in ta great wood, I've got an Inn down there, built it with my husban' Tully, rest 'is soul. When I lived in at 'olt it were quite some time ago, during ta days when there were many attacks from ta north, fought alongside Petraverd an' ta once Alpha o' Ulfden Alden, may he rest in peace. Those were dark times, but no need ta go inta that. As fer /the/ Cair, I was cook there for some years. Was pround ta serve their maj'sties I was. Dear and kinder queens and just and wiser kings you shall never find." With a grin and a wink she adds, "Don't tell nobody but King Edmund 'as a weakness fer saffron bread" she chuckles as she says this

Applebud gasps. "I won't tell No one... anyone. I saw him once, I did! I did! I saw King Edmund. But he was very busy and had to leave to go somewhere soon. Caileana says it's because he's King
Applebud says, "I wish they would visit the waste so we could see them and talk to them. They sound very great."

Caileana acknowledges this reference to herself with a slight smile. She says, "I spent a brief time in Madderholt myself once."

Niffum nods, "Tis quiet of late, many went to ta' Iron'olt, Many are no longer wi' us." At this she looks a bit sad

Caileana nods, her silence grave but understanding. Her golden eyes flicker slightly.

A voice is heard calling for Applebud

Caileana's ears twitch.

Niffum looks at the young squirrel, "Less I'm wrong 'at's yer ma, s'pose ye shoul' be gettin' along ta 'ome young'un, twas a pleasure ta be meetin' ya"

Applebud nod , "Pleasure meeting you too. I was was glad to see you again too, Caileana!"

Caileana smiles kindly. 'And you as well, young Applebud."

Applebud hugs Caileana "I hope to see you again!" and scampers off
Applebud bounds east, toward the edge of Lantern Waste.

Caileana stiffens slightly in surprise, a bit startled, but the squirrel scampers off before she has a chance to react. She shakes her head, and lets out a low I'm-not-sure-what-to-make-of-that chuckle.

Niffum grins and chuckles too "At one has a mite o' energy ta spare, at's fer sure. She reminds me o' a dear young otter I once took in for a time name of Odell, 'e's a bard at ta castle now, right proud o' him I am"

Caileana nods. "And quite bold too. Most creatures would not dare hug a Wolf," she grins, her teeth flashing.

Niffum nods, "She do be a brash 'un, but a dear all ta same."

Caileana nods in agreement. Her tail rises slightly and then resettles on the ground. "Tell me, Niffum - you speak often of the Alpha Alden. He was gone from this pack long before I was a pup. Will you tell me about him?"

Niffum takes a deep breath and looks off in the distance for a moment before speaking. "Don't spose there be many left what do 'member 'im, a pity really. 'e were a fine alpha an' a wolf of strength an' valor which many were honoured to fight beside during ta battles with ta foul creatures from ta north. But mos' of all 'e were my frien' an' a truer frien' one could not 'ave than him. He was a knight and trusted servant to ta kings, he was the faithful guradian of the border jest to the north o' Ulfden, it were he who had ta watchtower built. But, all 'at he had, ta very pack that is now Ulfden he built an' raised up from wolves who wished ta bring honour back ta wolf kind. Fer ya see, an' I don't know this from experience, jes' from what I've 'eard. During ta long winter mos wolves were in ta service o' /her/ what made it allus winter an' never Christmas. Wolves were by an' large feared. An ta most feared o' them was Fenris Ulf, ta commander o' her special forces, an' 'is secon' in command Caumric,"

Glyn arrives from the west.
-====> Glyn is an adolescent Male Wolf, with gray fur and green eyes.

Caileana is seated beside Niffum, listening intently to her speak.

Niffum lets out a deep sigh and her eyes grow moist as she mentions Caumric's name, "Alden were ta firstborn o' Fenris' pups. The rest o' ta details o' this time I don't know, fer 'e rarely spoke o' those days, only ta say 'at they were dark days an' 'e wanted ta fergit 'em. But it were 'e what built up a pack o' wolves loyal ta th' great Lion, ta Ulfden pack. 'E were a knight o' ta royal order o' ta Lion, one o' ta king's most trusted an' faithful knights. 'E trained 'imself ta be ta best at all manner o' fightin' an' e were ta captain o' ta northern guard. 'E built ta watchtower not far from 'ere. 'E were brave an' loyal ta those what served ta Lion. 'E died defendin' ta pack an' ta Waste from werewolves. I speak o' 'im oft, fer one sech as 'im shoul' never be forgot."

Glyn enters the clearing from the west, pausing at the edge as he overhears some of Niffum's tale, his ears pricked forward sharply.

Caileana lets out a long withheld breath. "I have heard him spoken of before, but not by one who was his friend." She straightens slightly, her tail rising and eyes glittering fiercely. "I was born to Ulfden and my greatest loyalty, after my loyalty to Aslan, is to the pack. It is a pack of honor, honor regained since that long winter, and I am proud to be part of a pack that gives of itself so freely to protect and serve those of the Waste."

Niffum nods, "An' well you shoul' an' well you shoul'. Don't spose there are many 'oo remeber 'im are there?

Glyn finally pads forward. "Good evening, Niffum, Caileana. I couldn't help overhearing your story, Niffum. How is it that you knew Alden? I had heard he lived years ago."

Niffum Chuckles "Weren't 'at long 'go young'un, ye make me soun' ancient. But, Aye ta ye it were quite some time 'go.

Caileana says to Niffum, "There are some who remember him, but none who knew him well. Most who did are gone." She tilts her head when she sees Glyn and nods to him. "Evening, tenderfoot," her eyes twinkle slightly as she says this.

Glyn folds his ears back in slight embarrassment and lowers his head a trifle more respectfully to Caileana, before he catches her teasing expression. Then he breaks into a grin, "Yes, sorry, Scout, I'll try and remember."

Niffum chuckles "No matter young'un, ta one what's seen all I've seen, years are like days, seems it were jes yesterday when we were sparrin' in Sted Cair, ta sparrin' cave 'ere 'adin't been made yet

Caileana smiles briefly at Glyn and says to Niffum, "It is Ryalt, his son, that I have heard more about, I think."

Niffum nods, "Aye" She sighs deeply but says nothing

Caileana tilts her head at this. "Did you know him as well?" she asks.

Glyn sits near Caileana and listens.

Niffum shifts her weight from foot to foot before she answers. "Well, I knew 'im when 'e were jes a young pup, but only 'eard bits an pieces 'bout 'im after Alden went ta Aslan's Country."

Caileana nods, her eyes seeming to urge Niffum on.

Niffum sighs and looks off into the distance "It be bittersweet ta tell th' tales, it be good never to ferget, but it be 'ard as well, I mus be on me way, need ta rest up a mite, thanee fer indulgin an ol' dwarf an letting 'er go on bout ta ol times

Caileana rises. "My pleasure, Niffum. I had best be returning to the den myself. Rest well."

Niffum walks north.

Glyn's ears sink a little in disappointment. "Ah, well, I'm glad I got to hear some of that history. I hope Niffum stays a little longer before returning to the great wood."

Caileana says, "I don't think she'll be staying much longer, but I have enjoyed our conversations. And now, I need some rest before patrols tomorrow. Good night, Glyn."

Glyn nods. "Goodnight, Caileana. Safe patrols!"