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The Importance of a Name

PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:19 pm
by Emilia
Emilia says: Plz and thx, make sure that when you are submitting logs, you remember to do so as the character who actually was involved in the log rather than as one of your alts. It's appreciated :). This log has been reposted by staff to protect your privacy.

Eastern Gallery
The eastern gallery is a long, narrow chamber that runs the length of the
Hall. It appears to be used as a library, primarily, as the easternmost
walls are lined with shelves which are, in turn, lined with books. Some
stiff-backed, hand-made chairs sit in a cluster at the south end of the
chamber, while toward the more northerly end a large table has been arranged
under a window. The parchments scattered upon it suggest that this is where
the Lord of the manor conducts his business.

There is a door at the north end of the chamber, leading to the staircase
that accesses the upper floor.


Astera grimaces slightly, placing a hand to her abdomen. She is standing by the window, an open book in her free hand. She smiles a little, leaning against the wall and continues reading.

Tyren walks into the library, a little unkempt, though he has done his best to make himself appear a little less so. He moves over to his wife, smiling a bit as he says, "Ah, there you are."

Astera looks up and smiles, although she doesn't look entirely comfortable. "Hello Tyren." Her voice is warm and welcoming despite this.

Tyren furrows his brow a little, his concern evident as he briefly puts the back of his hand to his wife's forehead. "How are you holding up today? Freya just left some herbs with the kitchens, if you find yourself needing them..."

Astera chuckles softly, "I am mostly well. I do wish my stomach would be a bit more agreeable." She kisses his cheek.

Tyren returns the kiss before he says, "You look somewhat flushed... is there anything I could get you? I'm sorry I was out longer than I expected, Dorin has a way of dragging out my training sessions here."

Astera smiles a little. "Well.... what herbs did Freya bring?" Her smile falters, "And what did she tell you?"

Tyren shrugs a shoulder slightly. "I'm not certain, I didn't ask, though I'm sure those in the kitchens would know, and I can certainly find out. As far as what she told me, not much, just that she'd be checking in and it would be best if she were informed of any new symptoms as soon as can be arranged." He takes his wife's hand. "And that you're doing rather well for the situation. Still not exactly sure what that /is/, but I suppose that's at least a degree of worry off my mind."

Astera gives a soft laugh, her eyes merry. "I see."

Tyren lifts a brow slightly. "What's so funny?"

Astera shakes her head. "Oh... I just.... feel better than I did before."

Tyren hehs quietly. "Well, that's something, then."

Astera closes the book she is reading, 'The Long Journey Home'. She looks at the cover and smiles. "Do you remember when we read about the adventures of Ulys?"

Tyren chuckles quietly. "If I'm remembering right, we had several talks about his exploits our first sojourn to Carmichael together."

Astera nods eagerly. "I have recently revisited that tale."

Tyren chuckles a little again. "Reminiscing?"

Astera smiles a little. "Yes. I wanted to recall some of the finer details that I'd forgotten. I much admire his faithful wife."

Tyren hehs and smiles a bit himself. "Well, you know how much I loved the tale as a boy. Is it any wonder I found a devoted, faithful wife of my own?"

Astera grins at this, looking extremely pleased. "Yes. I think in some ways you remind me of the story's hero." She pauses. "Do you remember what his son was called?"

Tyren's face colors slightly, thought he still smiles. He considers the question for a moment. "Something along the lines of 'Telem,' if my memory serves..."

Astera chuckles softly. "Yes. His second son--born of the joyous reunion. His first, and eldest was Tel." She smiles a little.

Tyren says, "Ah yes, that's right. I suppose I remember the second son's name a bit swifter considering I'm one myself."

Astera nods. She walks over to the bookshelf returning it to its place. "You know... We have a very lovely girl's name. But we never considered a boy's."

Tyren nods a little. "Save the fact that T would make a very good initial, at least."

Astera chuckles. "Indeed." She pauses. "What think you, of the name Tel?"

Tyren says, "Well, I must admit it would seem fitting. It is, after all, my favorite tale. It would be a suitable name, I think."

Astera smiles once more, her eyes bright. "Do you know what it means?"

Tyren pauses a moment again. "It had... something to do with his father's ability with a bow, didn't it? Though it might be more significant of his mother's should the name arise in our family, as she's already proven to be her husband's better with one."

Astera giggles covering her mouth. She seems ready to burst with some sort of secret but maintains her composure. "Well, yes. It has to do with being far away. It also means an end--or fulfillment."

Tyren says, "Did it? I must have forgotten that part, though I suppose I can see it."

Astera gives a small nod. "I think the name is particularly fitting." She pauses. "Should we have a son."

Tyren says, "I am inclined to think the same. Not to mention he proved to be a fine young man in the tale - qualities I would not mind seeing in a son of mine."

Astera smiles. She moves to Tyren, twining her fingers around his. "Indeed, and I am sure any son of ours would possess many fine traits, like his father." Her smile increases. "And should we have a son, it would be the end, in a way. The end to waiting--and the fulfillment of our duty." She pauses, beaming. Her hands tremble faintly. "And yes, his mother posses a fine skill with the bow--as well as his father. But I find the final meaning the most... fitting. Far away."

Tyren furrows his brow slightly. "I'm not quite sure I follow on that last bit..."

Astera's hands tremble. Her gaze meets Tyren's and she holds it. Her smile is nearly as radiant as her complexion. "Because when he came to us, his father was away in Narnia on business." She looks at him expectantly, waiting for his reaction.

Tyren's brow fly upward in a manner that would rival even his mother. He blinks several times, needing a moment before he is able to stammer out, "You... you mean to say...?"

Astera nods eagerly, her eyes wet. She takes his hand and places it to her abdomen.
Astera's voice trembles. "I am with child."

Tyren checks Astera over, checking for broken bones and wounds.
+ Astera's belly has a faint bulge to it.

Tyren runs his free hand through his hair, quite evidently caught quite off guard as he fumbles about for words. "That's... you're... I'm... we're..." He continues in such a manner for another moment or two before he ends up exclaiming, "Oh, dash it all, /forget/ words!" and pulls his wife close for a long kiss.

Astera wraps her arms around her husband's neck eagerly returning the kiss.
Astera pulls back after a moment, and grimaces. She places a hand to her stomach.

Tyren pulls back himself at this, putting a hand on hers and keeping his free arm around her. "Easy, easy... perhaps you should sit, I can easily be visibly excited enough for the both of us."

Astera giggles. "Yes. A little wood sorrel wouldn't hurt as well." She giggles again. "This nausea is terrible!--But I do not mind so much knowing what I do."

Tyren brings his wife back to his chair, the concern still clear on his face although rather more tempered by an almost boyish look of excitement. "I should have suspected sooner! I... I don't even know what to /say/..."

Astera allows Tyren to bring her to the chair, easing into it. She giggles. "I don't know why I didn't realize it any sooner myself. All the little things... I suppose knowing the signs and experiencing them must be quite different." She folds her hands on her lap. "I also was afraid to think it--I couldn't have bore the disappointment."

Tyren takes a moment to call over a servant, who bows and hurriedly makes his way toward the kitchens. He turns back to his wife, taking her hand. "With child... I suppose patience has finally paid off, eh?" He grins.

Astera laughs and nods, "Indeed!" She sighs wistfully, her eyes bright. "Oh.... a /baby/. I don't care whether the child is a girl or boy at this point, we shall have a child!"

Tyren gives his wife a quick kiss on the cheek again. "We'll be parents... /parents!/" He lets out a bright laugh. "Here I thought I'd be a permanent bachelor, living in solitude to the end of my days! Chesterton's going to be stunned once words gets home."

Astera's eyes widen a moment, then she giggles. "Won't your mother be surprised!" She takes his hand and smiles. Astera's smile fades a moment. "But we should wait..."

Tyren lifts a brow. "What is it?"

Astera says, "Well... It is still very early." She smiles. "And I am sure all will be well but..."

Tyren chuckles quietly. "There will be details to work out... especially considering it's not the only impending event. But we'll get it all sorted later. I vote we take today to just enjoy it for what it is."

Astera tilts her head a moment at the words 'only impending event'. She gives a small nod. Her voice is quiet and her expression unusually grave. "I should hate to get everyone excited only for things to... turn out differently." Astera smiles, "But today. Today we /should/ celebrate."

Tyren hehs. "I can understand that. Still, you're not exactly a fragile woman, and I'm on very good terms with a fair few very skilled healers." He grins. "Why should we not be excited, after all? It is something to celebrate, and whatever happens down the road, we shall face it together, as we always have."

Astera nods, her body relaxing a little. She squeezes his hand and giggles. "A baby!" She giggles again.

Tyren returns the squeeze, and gives a nod of thanks to the servant as he returns with a mug of tea, which he proffers toward Astera.

Astera smiles, "Thank you darling." She takes the tea, sipping it gingerly.

Tyren chuckles softly as the servant bows and departs. "You're going to be an excellent mother, you know."

Astera motions for him to sit beside her. She smiles over the mug. "Thank you. I think we will both be excellent parents. And if we have a son, he shall idolize you." She giggles. Astera laughs, "Well, a daughter would too but in a different way."

Tyren hehs, sitting by his wife as he fingers the pin on his tunic. "A trait inherited from his own father, I expect. Let us hope I have learned well enough from the example I was given, though I suspect he'd wave off such worries and tell me I'll do just fine."

Astera smiles, "I know you shall be an excellent father." She beams. "You care for me so well! And I know how much you will love our child."

Tyren chuckles. "Any child of ours would not be wanting for /that/ between the two of us, I expect."

Astera squeezes his hand lightly. "I cannot wait to tell Priya! Oh, and Astor!" She giggles. "Arael was with me when I began to suspect. And Priya and I conferred... I cannot wait to tell her!"

Tyren grins. "I can only imagine Dar's reaction myself. To say nothing of Avery... or /Tyre/, Lion's Mane, now /that/ will be something!"

Astera giggles. "Oh Avery! Yes, tell her she's going to be an Aunt!" She giggles harder. "I do wish we could tell your mother in person!"

Tyren chuckles. "Something tells me either way her first response would be to rush off and try once again to find a match for Tyre."

Astera snorts and lifts her chin, smiling. "Well, she shall have to settle for our child." She looks determined. "And Emperor help her if she /dares/ to make /our/ child feel inferior in /any/ way."

Tyren says, "Somehow I don't think that'll be too much of an issue. Chances are she'd simply express that I'm not taking my duties as a father seriously enough, which is nothing I haven't handled before in its various guises. In any case, she'll be rather excited, I'm sure, in her own way."

Astera nods. "She will be getting a grandchild in the near future at least. And despite her thoughts on /my/ upbringing and heritage, she knows we will love our child very much and raise a good little noble."

Tyren gives his wife a kiss. "I think she's managed to separate you from your heritage in her mind by now. At the very least it seems that she no longer has issues with the marriage itself, just how I handle it at times - and even then only because she cares. In any case, I believe I can rest easy in the knowledge that any child of ours would likely have an easier relationship with you than I have with my mother. And she will love her grandchild, however such may manifest."

Astera giggles. "At least I have fulfilled my duty--" She does her best Paige impression, "At long last!"

Tyren chuckles, shaking his head slightly. "She'll be glad to know she /has/ had an effect, I'm sure." He grins and nudges his wife. "I wonder what Hart will be thinking, with another little cousin."

Astera claps with delight, giggling. "We'll find out, won't we!" She grins. "He shall have a playmate!"

Tyren laughs. "Dar and me all over again. Or me and Priya, as the case may be. Whichever, we'll have to see what we can do to ensure they have the chance."

Astera giggles. "We'll have to make sure he or she doesn't get into too much trouble. You know how adventurous children can be!"

Tyren replies, "I know how adventurous the /parents/ could be."

Astera giggles. She claps her hands together, "Oh! I should write some of my Narnian friends! I know they would like to know!" She pauses, "At least... once everything is certain!"

Tyren chuckles. "Write anyway. Excitement like this is worth acting upon, and in any case rumor has a way of finding things out. Probably won't be too long before whispers start coming-- especially considering our situation's been floating around the gossip circles lately. Might as well ensure the truth as we know it reaches their ears before whatever gossip does."

Astera gives a soft laugh and nods. "Indeed! I'm surprised /they/ didn't know before we did!--Magic cure indeed!" She chuckles.

Tyren smirks. "Although I must admit that /does/ make it sound rather more romantic. Me, the brave hero, gallantly sauntering off to distant lands in order to procure the mystical cure for what is ailing his lady love."

Astera giggles and grins ruefully, "Well, how about this my gallant hero--you go be chivalrous and procure me the magic herb wood sorrel? It would greatly help this damsel in distress."

Tyren bows dramatically. "I shall embark on the noble quest with all due haste."

Astera takes his hand and kisses it. "Thank you my love. Be safe!" She gives a soft sigh, free hand moving to her stomach. "and please, be swift!"

Tyren takes his wife's hand, returning the kiss in the same manner. "I depart anon, then. Fare thee well, my lady, and I shall not rest until I have achieved victory!" He grins, then moves off.

Astera giggles and waves. "Good luck!"

Tyren walks out to the hall.