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PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 3:59 pm
by Evette
July 2, 2011

/`,[#][ ][ ][#]/`,[#][ ][ ][#]/`,[#][ ][ ][#]/`,[#][ ][ ][#]/`,[#][ ][ ][#]/`,
You stand at the top of the manor's west tower. It is open to the sky here.
Although there is a wall circling the tower, it is only about chest-high on a
full-grown man. In the center of the observatory is a square table with some
sort of star chart etched into the wood. It's a little hard to read because the
wood is worn down by wind and rain and snow. Below the table is a chest inlaid
with mother of pearl in a star pattern. It has been mostly protected from the
weather by the table, but it too is beginning to show signs of wear. There is
also what appears to be the remains of an old blanket piled against the wall,
and a trapdoor in the southwestern part of the floor. You can see for miles
around up here- to the mountains up north and across the expanse of forest to
the south, east, and west. On a clear night, the stars would be magnificent
from here.

/`,[#][ ][ ][#]/`,[#][ ][ ][#]/`,[#][ ][ ][#]/`,[#][ ][ ][#]/`,[#][ ][ ][#]/`,
You can go: Back Down to the Nursery <D>
A daughter of eve with burnished dark red hair (Rosalind)
You glance at Rosalind.
====> She is wearing a Fine Golden Net, a Green Wool Day Gown and a Crest Brooch.

Rosalind is at her ease, sitting against the wall and covered with a rough, simple blanket. In the lateness of the summer evening, the sky looks like so many jewels hung on velvet, and Rosalind looks up, entranced.

Evette pushes up the trapdoor slowly, her head emerging just after her hand. She sets the trapdoor down with a soft thunk against the stone and folds her arms along the edge of the opening. "I thought I might find you here," she says softly.

Rosalind blinks at the sudden flood of light from the trapdoor. When her eyes adjust and she hears her sister's voice, a warm smile forms. "Eve!". She pulls another blanket from the trunk resting near her right hand and sets it down for Evette, patting the spot. "Please, join me. If you would like, that is..."

Evette climbs the rest of the way up the ladder and closes the trapdoor behind her before crossing to sit beside Rosa. She tucks the blanket comfortably around herself and smiles softly. "Of course."

Rosalind asks, her voice soft with wistfulness, "Do you remember doing this all those nights back home? Just us, once the younger ones had gone to sleep? We'd tell all those stories and watch the stars come out..."

Evette nods, a smile gradually stretching across her face. She pulls the blanket closer. "Magical stories," she whispers, "about everything we ever dreamed about and more." Her eyes search the heavens with something that could almost be described as hunger. "There's always been something so ethereal about the stars, as though they were beacons of hope and the promise of something beyond the mundane twinkling down at you."

Rosalind nods, a stray curl escaping from her careful updo. "There are some who think the stars seem cold and far away, but I've always thought they were so close that if I just reached up, I could touch them. I always wonder why this room was deserted. One of Barron's ancestors must have loved watching them as much as I do."

Evette rubs a hand along the stone beside her thoughtfully. "It's a lovely room," she says. "Perfect for a night like this."

Rosalind grins her agreement. "It is wonderful just to be outside. To feel the breeze brush my cheek. I know I'm supposed to be delicate, but we weren't raised to be taken care of, were we? And what have you been up to, Eve, now that summer is here?"

Evette laughs in a way that is half-chuckle, half-snort. "No, that we weren't," she agrees. To Rosalind's second question, she shrugs. "Not much, I suppose. Though I was trying my hand at some cooking the other day." She rolls her eyes and brushes back a handful of hair. "You know there is an extreme case of boredom when you can find me in a kitchen."

Rosalind stifles a giggle at this. "What Cook must have thought. There was a reason Mother passed her recipes along to me, dear sister."

Evette winks, "Oh, I made sure she was quite finished for the night before I started, believe me. I burn and break enough things without people watching me."

Rosalind can't help the little bubble of laughter this time. "That's my sister. And I wouldn't have you any other way, Eve."

Evette laughs too, tilting her head back against the wall. "Well, I'm glad, because I don't see anything of that changing anytime soon. Ever, in fact."

Rosalind slips her arm around the younger girl's shoulder and gives her a brief hug. "What am I going to do with you, Eve?"

Evette wraps her arm around Rosa's waist in turn and lays her head on her shoulder (this is a bit awkward looking given her slightly taller torso). "I certainly don't know," she says, her voice still full of mirth. "What is the world going to do with me?" she asks a moment later, her tone solemnizing.

Rosalind smooths back a lock of Evette's hair, much as their mother might. "I know your position here isn't easy. Perhaps I understand better than anyone..."

Evette sighs. "I know you do, Rosa. I just feel as though I don't fit in anywhere. And it makes it difficult to know what to do with myself, when I don't fit any predetermined role."

Rosalind assures her, "You will make a wonderful wife, Eve, when the time comes, or make whatever place for yourself you like if you aren't inclined to marry. It is the rest of Archenland I worry for, not you."

Evette angles her head so that she can see Rosalind's face better. 'The rest of Archenland?" she asks.

Rosalind grins again, teasing as only an older sister can, "When you're let loose on them, of course."

Evette giggles. "Oh yes, look out world," she says. "Lest ye be smote by the fury of Evette," she angles an eyebrow imperiously.

Rosalind doubles over with laughter. "Oh Eve...", she says when she is able to catch her breath. "You learned that expression straight from Lady Paige back in Chesterton."

Evette gives her a wide-eyed, innocent expression. 'Who, me? Never! My entire repertoire is completely original, I assure you."

Rosalind smiles at her. "That is what I love about you. You aren't like anyone else, where I've just always tried to...disappear and not be noticed."

Evette jokes, "I blame that entirely on an abnormal amount of sun exposure as a child, and far too much socialization with males." She glances at her. "But in all seriousness, it's not unusual to want to fit in. Most people try to fit what others expect of them. Even myself, sometimes. I simply seem incapable of that."

Rosalind touches Evette's cheek. "What is it you would like your life to be, Eve? I am in a position to help you in a way that mother and father will not allow me to help them..."

Evette frowns, the green depths of her eyes flickering with an inner struggle. "I don't know, Rosa. I don't know. I don't seem to be cut out to be a noblewoman - I'm far too crass to fit in and follow all the protocol. I suppose if I had some work I could do, something with my hands. Not delicate work, mind you, I've never been any good at that. But something to expend myself in and excell at, not simply sit around feeling useless. I'm resolved to be myself whatever I do and make no apologies for it. I suppose you...and Loc...and maybe even Father to a degree taught me that. I just wish for some action, I suppose."

Rosalind rubs at her forearms as if she is suddenly cold, "In my case, I find myself apologizing all the time. It isn't as simple as you make out. I will speak to Barron. Lady

Astera's brother, as you know, was given the inn here in Lancelyn Green. If you wish to take up a trade, perhaps it can be arranged..."

Evette concedes that point. "Well, I suppose you're right. Be myself with as few apologies as is polite, then." She smiles sheepishly and adds, "I'm beginning to think a trade might be the best option for me. What do you think?"

Rosalind smiles warmly again, "I think, my clever sister, that you will make a success of whatever you set your hand to. What interests you, then?"

Evette asks, "I don't know. What do you think would suit me?"

Rosalind glances at the stars again. "Nothing...confining. I can only imagine you as the lady of a Manor, and I think you would swiftly lose your mind from boredom. It must capture your fancy to work out, I think."

Evette nods. "Something artistic I suppose, but outdoors-y."

Rosalind asks, "Sewing? I remember how often I had to bind up your fingers after your needlework attempts made them bleed."

Evette shakes her head, wincing as she does so. "Definitely not that."

Rosalind taps her chin as she thinks. "What about gardening? You could make something beautiful with your designs, I know..."

Evette nods slowly. "I could be good at that, I think. Is it something that would qualify as a trade, though?" She purses her lips. "I suppose I could try something normally defined as masculine, such as carpentry."

Rosalind smiles encouragingly. "If it pleases you, though you know you will have a great deal of opinion to fight against..."

Evette chuckles wryly. "That I would. Your gardening idea is a good one, though- all my experience in the fields back home would lend nicely to something like that."

Rosalind nudges her gently with an elbow. "You always were the one who could make anything grow."

Evette grins. "I've always loved the feel of a good handful of dark soil. And it is so rewarding to see the fruit of one's labors. The most wonderful things can sprout from nothing with the right amount of care."

Rosalind sounds pleased with this. "Mistress Simetra knows something of flower gardening herself. I shall ask her to show you her efforts, and perhaps you can take charge of our conservatory here. Our knowledge is limited to the more useful plants, but I know it won't take you long at all to learn the rest."

Evette looks delighted at this. Her eyes sparkle forcefully. "I would enjoy that, I think. The conservatory is very beautiful, but there's certainly a lot of room for other plants."

Rosalind gently squeezes her sister's hand. "Then I will convince Lord Barron to let you try. It was his mother's favorite room, and I am sad every time I think of how neglected it has been...we are just beginning to restore it."

Evette squeezes back. "All the more reason something should be done about it."

Rosalind grins conspirationally. "Not to worry. It will be."

Evette tilts her head. "There was one matter I'd been meaning to ask you about. I've been considering taking up archery for some time, but I wanted to see what you thought."

Rosalind stifles another giggle. "Of course you were. Most girls whose sisters became ladies would ask for gowns or jewels, but mine is longing for a bow and arrows."

Evette giggles, "Well - when you put it /that/ way..." She grins. "To be honest, I was doing some reading, and apparently the meaning behind my name is 'archer.' And the idea appeals to me, I will admit."

Rosalind tugs at Evette's hand to pull her sister up. "Come with me", she says, her eyes taking on a lustre they have lacked for some time and her cheeks pinkening with excitement.

Evette stands, "All right..." she says, her eyes glittering curiously.

Rosalind offers to lead Evette.
Evette decides to follow Rosalind.


Western Solar
/`,[#][ ][ ][#]/`,[#][ ][ ][#]/`,[#][ ][ ][#]/`,[#][ ][ ][#]/`,[#][ ][ ][#]/`,
The Lesser Solar has obviously not seen use for many years. There is a bed
here, stripped bare of linens. The fireplace is quite clean- aside from a few
black stains, it is entirely bare of ash or coal, though a thick layer of dust
does cover it, like everything else. There is a window on the south wall which
looks out onto the manor lawn. It is yellowed, and would probably stick if you
tried to open it. The curtains about it are the only real furnishings in the
room, and they are grayed with sun and age. They seem to have originally been
green and gold. This room seems to have once been a very nice sort of
bedchamber, but it is in need of a great deal of refurbishment before anyone
would want to stay here again.

/`,[#][ ][ ][#]/`,[#][ ][ ][#]/`,[#][ ][ ][#]/`,[#][ ][ ][#]/`,[#][ ][ ][#]/`,
You can go: Out <NE>
A daughter of eve with burnished dark red hair (Rosalind)
Common Wardrobe
Large Storage Trunk
Evette arrives, following Rosalind.

Rosalind leads Evette to a chamber that has clearly seen little use. She sweeps aside a few cobwebs and begins rummaging through a trunk, which opens with a creak of protest.

Evette glances around curiously and kneels beside Rosa, peering into the trunk as she shuffles its contents around.

Rosalind coughs from the dust as she finally unearths a bundle that has been carefully wrapped in linen. It looks far newer than either the chest or the room.

Evette sits back on her heels slightly and watches.

Rosalind hands the bundle to her sister with a wide smile. "There. I kept it here because I knew the servants wouldn't look."

Evette unwraps the bundle carefully, looking somewhat mystified.

Rosalind hands Shortbow to Evette.
Rosalind hands Quiver to Evette.

Rosalind tells her, "There was a time when I thought...well, never mind. It was silly of me..."

Evette looks down at the quiver and shortbow in her hands, running a hand gently along the length of the bow. She looks up. "Rosa! You wanted to learn archery?" she asks in surprise.

You see a shortbow of stout, pliable ash. It is plain, with no distinguishing marks, but it is nicely fortified with linen and oiled. All told, it's a handsome bow and very well made.
==> The Shortbow looks new!

You see a fine leather quiver. It is tube-shaped, sewn well but not extravagantly. It has a long shoulder strap that enables you to wear it on your back.
The Quiver contains 25 (s).

Rosalind colors. "Lady Priya and Lady Astera are both skilled with the bow and I thought maybe if I tried..." She bites her lower lip. "As I said, it was silly of me."

Evette shakes her head. "No, I don't think so at all. I'm just surprised, that's all. Did you stop because you weren't very good at it, or because you simply didn't like it?"

Rosalind's shoulders lift a little. "I have so much else to focus on. I simply thought it would help me connect with the other noblewomen if I was able to join them. You use the bow and the quiver, Eve..."

Evette says, "Very well." She kisses Rosa on the cheek. "Thank you, Rosa. And you really shouldn't feel like you have to fit in completely with the other noblewomen. Barron married you for a reason," she smiles, but the smile is interrupted by a long yawn.

Rosalind smiles, a trifle sadly, and pats Evette's shoulder. "The Emperor alone knows why, Eve." She glances at the bow and quiver again. " discrete when you practice with them."

Evette grins. "I'll do my best," she says. "Though I think," she yawns again, "That I had best retire for the night."

Rosalind hugs her again, awkwardly given the bow and quiver. "Sweet dreams, Eve. I will write to Mistress Simetra in the morning."

Evette hugs her back. "Thanks again, Rosa. And good night," she smiles back at Rosalind as she walks out the door.