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A Report, and Commision

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:28 am
by Zayev
The Laughing Jackdaw Inn
The antechamber of the Inn is quite a bit smaller and quieter than the
boisterous Tavern to the east. In fact, there is very little to see here.
The half-timbered walls are more or less bare, and the hardwood floor has a
perfunctory carpet laid, but it's so worn and colorless that the point is
rather lost. A few lanterns hang from sconces between cross-hatched windows,
and there is a kind of bar along one wall upon which sets a book, quill and
inkbottle. Beside these, you see a bell.

A set of stairs leads upward to the second level. The only other exit is the
door leading out to the Tavern to the east.
You can go: Common Room <W>, Up the Stairs <U>, The Tavern <E>
A son of adam who is crowned and dressed in ceremonial robes (Edmund)
Boon, the Innkeeper
Wooden Bin
You glance at Edmund.
====> He is wearing a Fine Green Woolen Tunic, a Fine Charcoal Woolen Hose, The Crown of King Edmund and a Scabbard.

A son of adam with a stern face comes walking in from the Tavern to the west.

Edmund is distinctly visible under one of the lanterns. He is giving instructions to to some of his knights, who
nod periodically in agreement with their king's words. Despite his youth, this king has the look of a seasoned warrior. His words are few, but spoken with great solemnity, as if each one of them carries import.

A son of adam with a stern face enters, noting the king with raised brows, then takes a seat in the corner, where
he orders a drink.

Zayev pads into the inn, pads softly contacting the floor and almost silent as he glances around. When he sees the
stern faced man his eyes narrow and he pauses, but continues to scan the room. Upon seeing the king his face clears somewhat, and with a last brief scowl at the stern faced man, he pads to the Kings table, clearing his face
respectfully and waiting quietly for a chance to either be noticed, or speak up.

A mouse comes scurrying down the stairs from the second floor.
A mouse scurries to the Tavern through the east door.

A son of adam with a stern face notes the mouse in mild amusement.

Edmund dismisses his knights to their duties, giving orders that they are to be ready to depart at first light. When the wolf approaches, he inclines his head, directing his full attention to him. He studies him for a span of several moments, his gaze seeming to penetrate the surface, reading everything that lies beneath. This, of course, includes Zayev's pendant. "You wish to speak with us, Alpha of Winterden." His words are clearly statement rather than question. "Very well. You have our leave."

Zayev seems to study the King in return for a moment, this being the first time he has had to truly see him. He nods at his words and speaks quietly, moving closer so the sound does not carry overmuch. "My Lord. During the festival I had to opportunity to speak to your sister. Queen Lucy. She advised me that I may wish to seek you out, that you may seek to speak with me."

Edmund nods gravely at this. "Indeed. We have several questions we wish to put to you." He indicates that the wolf should take the place across from him. "Particularly since it is our intention to depart for Sted Cair upon the morrow."

Zayev nods and, with a cautious look to the unknown man he pads accros from the king standing carefully to still be able to see the rest of the room. "I will answer whatever you ask to the best I can My Lord."

A son of adam with a stern face walks to the Tavern through the east door.

Edmund gestures for the wolf to follow him. "These questions of ours--are best discussed in a more-- appropriate setting." His tone remains even, his features sober.
Edmund offers to lead Zayev.
Zayev decides to follow Edmund.

Zayev nods quietly, "Yes Sir."


You head into the Tavern's game room.
The Laughing Jackdaw -- Games Parlor
You find yourself in a smaller, narrow room off of the north side of the
Tavern. Through the south door you can hear the dull roar of the business
taking place there, but in here the atmosphere is quieter, more concentrated.
The air even feels thicker. The room is dominated by a round table at the
center with several chairs around it. In the center is a pile of five
Chromacubes -- Narnian gaming dice. They are, of course, cube-shaped, with a
different color on each side. From the hatchmarks previous players have made
in the table while counting their score, it appears that many have played
here before you.

There is a door leading south.
You can go: Out to the Inn <S>
A son of adam who is crowned and dressed in ceremonial robes (Edmund)
Cubes Set
Zayev arrives, following Edmund.

Edmund continues his scrutiny of the wolf as he makes his way towards the Games Parlor at the back of the Inn. At this hour, it is deserted, and quite suitable to their purpose. He takes one of the chairs at the head of the
large, round table, picking up the set of dice and turning it over in his hands. He does not yet speak.

Zayev looks around briefly, tilting his head curious at the 'appropriate setting'. As the king sits he pads to a nearby, but respectfully distant spot, pulls out the cail and takes its place, preferring to stand instead of risking
the chair. After this he simply looks to his Sovereign, curiosity in his eyes.

Edmund finally broaches the subject, his inflection without emotion. He states, "We have had several accounts of the recent disturbance in Lantern Waste. As we understand that Winterden sent wolves to the defense of our borders, we wish to have your recounting to add to our store of knowledge."

Zayev nods at this, eyeing the King again for a moment, seeming to weigh things. His face neutral as he does so, before finally speaking. "My King. you seem a man of too... blade and shield. A warrior who knows the use of words, but prefers bluntness. Shall I speak in such a manner? Warrior to Alpha Warrior, or in the manner of others. Plentiful of speech and little meaning? I do not mean to be disrespectful, but I am, unaccustomed, to speaking with my sovereigns."

Edmund replies simply, "We do value frankness. As one soldier to another, then, tell us in whatever manner you see best. We wish to arrive at the truth, and to that end we give you our leave to speak freely."

Zayev nods slightly confused by the we's in his speech, but pressing on, "Yes Sir." he says simply, then pauses to gather his thoughts.

You say, "I was on patrol of the Great woods, and came across Niffum the dwarf, and a rather frantic young fox. It had gotten lost and was en-route to your Cair to report of a Giants attack in the waste. It seemed quite worried about this and reported the giants had sworn to return. He collapsed in sleep before I could question him further and Niffum took him to her inn to rest. In the morning, he was already gone, I followed his scent to the mouth of the great river."

Edmund waits, with infinite patience, as the wolf collects himself to speak. He weighs every word as if in judgment, saying nothing himself until Zayev has concluded his narrative.

You say, "I thought about things with the pack, and decided this would be a good time to venture to the waste. We
had been thinking of doing so for some time, to re-evaluate our impression of the Ulfpack there. This seemed a good
time to both, be helpful if their need was there, and to enter the waste without immediate conflict with the wolfpack there. I sent a messenger ahead so they knew we came to aid, and not harm."

Edmund simply nods in reply. It is not yet clear whether the king has the information he required from this interview.

You say, "Upon our arrival we were met by Nevarre.... harshly, but without bloodshed. And soon with the arrival of Eirwyn, Ulfdens Co-Alpha, things were handled more peaceably. We found that the giant 'attack' had be exaggerated and there was no blood shed by the encounter, and that the wastes guards had been able to repel the incursion easily. After this a, settlement, a peace was achieved between the packs. So that no longer were there open hostilities between us."

Zayev thinks a moment and nods to himself, finishing up. "After that had been settled we returned home to the woods."

Edmund inquires, "And where was the messenger dispatched by Winterden to notify us of the incursion into our realm? The only message we received was from Ulfden, and it was woefully delayed."

Zayev blinks, suddenly much more alert. "Did the fox not arrive? He left on the correct path so I did not think to send another. Forgive me sir for my failure."

Edmund replies, his expression not shifting, "Your messenger arrived, once he had circled the entirety of our kingdom, even informing the Pride of the North before he thought to find his way to our castle. Such a delay could have proven--"

Zayev nods soberly, not trying to excuse himself, "I should have thought to send another messenger. Especially upon seeing the.... flightiness, of the Ulfden messenger. I have placed the Kingdom in danger and brought dishonor upon my pack." he seems to deflate at this. "Is there any way to repay such a debt?"

Edmund looks entirely regal as he speaks. "Be at ease, Alpha of Winterden. We are aware that you intended no harm through your actions. Should we subject all of our subjects who acted with poor judgment to trial, we should find ourselves with few loyal followers left. We could have sought you out at any time during the festivities in Beruna; that we did not do so should demonstrate that we require no apology of you. Our intention here is only to ascertain the facts in this matter, and to ensure that no such dangerous lapse occurs again."

Zayev, oddly, winces at that. "What you sought sire I understand, but I have failed in my duty. And while it will /not/ occur again is there some duty, anything, you may have that will allow me to in some small way ease the dishonor on my pack?"

Edmund replies with gravity which belies his years. "Serve us well in future. Remain vigilant, and continue to mend the wounds between Ulfden and Winterden as you have been doing. Unity between our subjects is the best protection we can offer our people. What else is it you seek of us? Some task you may accomplish? Some test of your skill? We have known what it is to fail in a duty and betray those we ought to protect--" And here he pauses, something in his countenance showing just how deeply this particular king is aware of how difficult guilt can be to shed. "We relieve you of your debt. Your lapse was forgiven before you spoke of it."

Zayev pauses, clearly caught off guard by the pauses and he suddenly remembers the stories... As the King continues he gulps and nods accepting his judgement. "Yes My King. It shall be as you say."

Edmund nods soberly, also clearly remembering. "Is there anything else you wish to relate to us, Alpha of Winterden?"

Zayev hesitates, and nods. "Yes my King, it is as yet a small thing, but I feel you should at least know of it."

Edmund's eyebrows rise. He settles back in his seat, gesturing that Zayev should continue. "By all means. Speak and we will hear you."

Zayev seems uncomfortable speaking of this but he pushes on. "During the festival two of the younger wolves in my pack, and two of the younger in Ulfden became steadfast friends. I at first thought this a good thing, to closer bind the packs with friendship.... Until I discovered the depth of it, in one case."

Edmund tilts his head as he listens, hearing both the words and the emotions that lie behind them. "And now?", he asks simply.

You say, "My Hunter, Drune, and a young Scout of Ulfden, Caileana. They... I believe they may be attracted towards each other... I would have thought this might be allowed to grow, but I observed some division in the Ulfden pack even before the Alpha found out about it. I am in fact unsure if ever he did, but the next day they had left. And I am... concerned about the reactions that Alpha Nevarre may have towards such news. If he reacts poorly, and forces the young scout to choose between her emotions and her pack.... Sire I have a den full of wolves who have left Ulfden. I know what drives so many away. I worry about the consequences to the pack relations if, if another wolf left the ulfpack for mine."

Edmund states, once the wolf's words draw to a close, "Your feelings do you credit. We, too, have no wish to see the fragile accord between Ulfden and Winterden brought to an untimely end. Nor do we wish to meddle with the hearts of our subjects. We were familiar with Ryalt. We have had less chance of coming to know Nevarre, but we trust that he will act with discernment in this matter. If he does not, you may inform us. You are in a unique position to understand the pressures that he faces as Alpha, and to extend such friendship to him personally as you are able, beyond that which should exist between your packs. It is our wish that you continue to do so as long as you are able."

Zayev blinks at the Kings words, it becoming apparent that the wolf's opinion of the ulfpack is quite different than the opinion of their Alpha. But as the King finishes speaking he nods. "I shall do all in my power sir. And I shall keep you aware of any, difficulties that may arise."

Edmund nods at this. "Pray do so. We are unable to act with wisdom unless we are provided with the necessary information. Now--we have one further question to put to you, and we wish for the clearest reply you can make."

Zayev nods intently, paying close attention.

Edmund's gaze does not waver from Zayev's face, as if the king intends to read his meaning there as well as in whatever answer he makes. "We wish to know what the current state of affairs is between the wolf packs. We are aware that on the surface, all is at least peaceful, if not blissful. Winterden came to Ulfden's defense. How was that received?"

Zayev meets the Kings gaze, not in challenge, but to indicate what he says is truth. "It is, complex Sire. I would say poorly at first. In fact the first words spoken upon our arrival by Nevarre were. "Tell me why I should not finish you where you stand." But things settled. Eirwyn, Nevarres mate brings much balance to the Pack." he sighs. "I would say, that between /packs/ there is peace. And in some cases growing friendship. But between Alphas.." he pauses and shakes his heand. "No, In truth between Nevarre and Winterden, both me and my pack. There is great distrust. I have little use for him and am unconvinced of his 'honor' if any he has." he sighs at this, clearly speaking bluntly and honestly. "The rest of his pack I think are good wolves, honorable and wise. But Nevarre, unless there is a change... I cannot imagine how there will ever be anything but... mistrust and dislike between him and us."

Edmund's keen glance continues to rest on Zayev, and he seems to find truth in the account he is presented with. "You have answered us without reservation, Zayev of Winterden. We tell you in return, with equal frankness, that we have spoken to members of Ulfden, and that mistrust of your pack is at least not widely spread. We also ensure you that we will do our utmost to see that the seeds of friendship between Winterden and Ulfden bear fruit in due course. If necessary, we will speak to Nevarre ourselves. And your own mate, Blizzard? Does she stand with you?"

For an instant, Zayev almost seems to crumple. But only for an instant, a neutral look is now firmly held on by a iron will. "My King." he says. "Blizzard is no longer capable of leading the pack. She is ill. I am," he coughs slightly. "I am uncertain if she will ever recover."

Edmund permits a brief frown to form. "We extend our condolences. It explains why she was not present here in Beruna. In addition, we will dispatch our own healers to Winterden upon our return. It may be that something might be done to alleviate her condition. In the meantime, continue on the course you have set for yourself and lead your pack well, with our approval." Once again he pauses to scrutinize Zayev. "If it your intention to continue as Alpha of Winterden despite her illness, then there is something further to be spoken between us as well--"

Zayev listens quietly, faint pain showing in his eyes at the subject, but that being all that makes it through as he controls his expression for the first time . "It is my place as her mate to do so. And her expressed wish. What is it you desire to speak of Sir?"

Edmund rises. He looks every inch the king that he is as he addresses his subject. "It occurs to us that we have never formally installed you as Alpha of Winterden because the opportunity has not yet arisen. Is it still your intention to swear your fealty to your kings and queens, and to lead your pack in such a way as to honor the Lion? If so, we will accept on our siblings' behalf as well as our own, and commission you to serve us in the Woods. Consider your response carefully, for whatever oath you make to us today, Aslan Himself will bear witness to."

Zayev blinks, clearly suprised by this but nods and bows low. "I hereby swear fealty to the Kings and Queens of Narnia under the Lion. To obey honor and guard them and theirs from all harm or distress that I may. To lead and strengthen the Pack of Winterden in all honor and to accept any failures upon my head alone so no dishonor touches the Pack or Narnia." Here he looks up. "The Lion placed you and your brother and sisters over me as my soveriegns. I will follow wherever you may lead or order without question. I am yours My King. As I am the Lions."

Edmund draws King Edmund's Sword from his Scabbard <WORN>.
Edmund slides his sword from its scabbard and lightly touches the wolf's shoulderblade with it. "Then rise, Zayev of Winterden, and serve your pack well henceforth. By so doing, you serve your kings and queens. You have pledged us your loyalty, and by so doing you have placed yourself under our protection. We do not make, or accept, such an offer lightly. May the Lion watch between us as we carry out what we have promised on His behalf. You will ever find a welcome at our court, Alpha."

Zayev rises soberly uncertain of what to say. Eventually he nods. "I will do so my King. If ever there is need of strength in Narnia. For whatever reason. I stand ready, and my pack with me."

Edmund replies, his entire bearing sober, "We shall call upon you, should the need arise."

Zayev simply nods. "So be it."

Edmund nods, this time in dismissal. "Should anything else occur to you, word will reach us back at Cair Paravel."

Zayev nods stepping back and preparing to leave, "Thank you my King. Aslan guide you."

Edmund states, "You as well. Safe journey to you, Zayev of Winterden."

Zayev bows and with a last smile turns to pad out.