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Duty and Domesticity

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:11 am
by Emilia
***NOTE FROM EMILIA*** This log has been re-posted to protect the alternate identity of the person who submitted it. Please make sure when you are submitting logs to do so /AS/ the character who participated in the log. Thank you :).

Tyren and Astera discuss their past, present, and future involving Chesterton.

Guest Solar(#3015R/AJM)
=====================================================================Quietly elegant, the guest solar serves as a comfortable room to house
visitors. A sizeable fur rug covers a polished hardwood floor. Forest green
drapes embellish windows which open to the north and west lawns, supplying a
generous amount of light. Pressed white linens and a forest green quilt trim
a four-poster bed made of sycamore wood. A chest at the end of the bed and a
dresser along the wall provide adequate storage. Beside the bed is a small
table with a pitcher and basin, the rims bordered by magnolia flowers.

The room also has subtle remnants of its last occupant. An ivy border travels
along the top of the walls and down the doors, graced at intervals with
bittersweet blossoms. Under the window sits a bookshelf containing several
books about local flora and a few horse figurines carved from walnut wood.
Water willow flowers cradled by ferns float in a shallow basin atop the
bookshelf. A carved door leads back into the guest gallery.

Tyren makes his way into the room, a book under his arm. He moves over to his wife, greeting her with a kiss.

Astera sits on the book, carefully balancing it. She looks up and returns the kiss.

Tyren says, "Evening, love."

Astera smiles, "Hey."

Tyren returns the smile. "And how fare the two of you this eve?"

Astera says, "Well--yourself?"

Tyren says, "Rather well. It's been rather quiet today... then again, most days in Coghill are, relatively speaking."

Astera says, "It is quite a lovely little town."

Tyren chuckles quietly. "I take it you're glad we came, then?"

Astera smiles, "Very much so."

Tyren chuckles again, slipping an arm around his wife. "Good. I'm glad of that."
Astera rests her head against his shoulder and her arms on her adbomen, which now reveals her condition. She chuckles and looks down. "At this rate I shan't be walking soon, but waddling."

Tyren lets out a quiet laugh himself. "Whichever, I am sure my wife shall continue to move with the grace and dignity she always has."

Astera laughs, "Can a woman waddle gracefully?”

Tyren says, "If any woman can, it would be my wife."

Astera beams, "Thank you darling."

Tyren quirks a brow slightly, accompanied by a hint of a smirk. "For what? Is it not the truth? Or has my reputation for such suddenly dissipated for some reason that has yet to reach my ears?"

Astera chuckles, "For reassuring me, as you always have." She sighs wistfully. "I do admit to being a little more self conscious now that my condition is clear."

Tyren replies, "I suppose I can understand that. It /is/ a difference that is starting to become more obvious - though what it portends can hardly detract from all that you are. If anything, I'd say it only serves to enhance it."

Astera chuckles softly, "Well, I can't complain. In fact, I'm quite pleased."

Tyren pauses a moment, then asks simply, "That's... not because you feel like I expected it of you, is it?"

Astera laughs, "Heavens no! It's because I've wanted this so long--and now it's so /real/."

Tyren lets out a soft breath, clearly relieved. "Glad of that. I know it's weighed on your mind before, after all."

Astera says, "I know it is a duty to have a child--but that is entirely different in some ways, than preparing to be a mother. I cannot express how... difficult it was, to see a mother with a baby and wonder if I should ever have my own.--It is so... delightful. I believe I--I believe /we/--are ready for this.

Tyren chuckles, giving his wife a kiss. "I could not possibly agree more."

Astera asks, "have you told the family of our choices in names?"

Tyren shakes his head. "The news itself may be exciting, and worth sharing. But I must admit there's some parts of it I'd like to savor just between the two of us for a little longer." He lets out another chuckle. "Though knowing us, I expect Priya and Dar will hear of them before too long anyway. Speaking of, have you had much opportunity to speak with Priya?"

Astera shakes her head, "Not as much as I should like. She did promise to show me a special little hideaway here before we left tho." She chuckles, "I should like to surprise most with the name when the child is born, although you are right in that I am sure priya and Dar will know well beforehand."

Tyren grins. "Well then that's settled, at least."

Astera says, "I am quite excited over the names." She giggles.

Tyren smirks. "Only that?"

Astera says, "That among other things."

Tyren chuckles, then lets out a contented sigh. "You talk about how real it feels to you... for me, it's still almost... surreal." He grins. "I suspect that's partly because you've got a bit more tangible sort of reminder than I do."

Astera chuckles, "Just a bit--but very soon you will be able to feel our child. I think then it will start to sink in."

Tyren chuckles, slipping his arms around his wife. "I'm going to be a father... /me!/ And here I thought I'd never have a /wife/, let alone a /child/..." He laughs. "Almost feel like a child myself the way I'm excited..."

Astera chuckles merrily, "To think once I never wanted a child... I did not think, before we married, I would be a good mother."

Tyren says, "You will prove to be a fine one. I have every confidence in that."

Astera smiles, "Just as you shall be an excellent father."

Tyren chuckles. "I'm just waiting to hear that Chesterton's ground to a halt from the sheer shock of the news."

Astera bursts into a fit of giggles. "Of Lady Paige hasn't spread word by now I don't know what the world's come to."

Tyren says, "She's probably too busy questioning my brother on why he hasn't got himself a wife yet..."

Astera chuckles. "Well he shall be greatly relieved she can turn her attention elsewhere once the child comes."

Tyren chuckles quietly himself. "Or so we believe. Lion only knows what prospective unclehood is making him think."

Astera asks softly, "Do you think he shall take much interest in the child?"

Tyren says, "In his own way. I suppose he'll have to either way, if it's a son..."

Astera looks a little nervous, "Tyren... we will be able to stay in Anvard won't we? Even if it is a son? I mean, there is so much we can teach him--he wouldn't /have/ to go to Chesterton--would he?"

Tyren hehs. "Not immediately, no. But every noble boy leaves sooner or later to serve as a page or squire or some such... I expect a son of ours would go to be groomed as my brother's heir. Not until the proper age, though."

Astera frowns deeply at this. "You could teach him. And there'd be plenty he could learn around the castle--or better yet, in Carmichael. Ast would be a much better--" She looks down, embarrassed. "No offense to Lord Tyre, but a Lord need be more than just knowledge, and while Lord Tyre is a man of business... I am not quite sure I would condone his upbringing in such a cool manner. I want him to be accessible to his people--and to love them."

Tyren hehs quietly. "Then it is my duty to see that he learns such before then." He shrugs a shoulder. "There will be time to discuss things with Tyre before then as well. Something tells me the prospect would be a little... nerve-wracking for him as well. He is a /very/ good businessman, and Chesterton needs one as its lord, but as you say... well, he can get a little uncomfortable, socially speaking." He pats the hilt of his sword. "But even though he may not show it quite so obviously, he has his ways of showing his support. Who knows? Perhaps it will be a growing experience for my brother as well."

Astera gives a small nod to this. "Perhaps."

Tyren smiles a bit. "Besides... even if he does go to Tyre eventually, he will still be my son. I'm sure there will be something of his father in him. There's a good deal of my father in me, as I keep finding out, after all."

Astera smiles, "Yes, and we shall have many years to teach him well."

Tyren chuckles. "And if we have a daughter then there's no sense in worrying about any of it anyway."

Astera gives a small nod. She hesitates, "They wouldn't send /me/ to Chesterton--would they?" Astera adds hastily, "And there's still a chance Tyre may marry..."

Tyren hehs quietly. "It... would likely be best for us to make our way to Chesterton eventually, frankly. As it stands, the child /would/ be Chesterton's heir. Better to get people used to the idea sooner rather than later..."

Astera looks down, "I remember being told I would not be welcome.--How then, can my child be the heir?"

Tyren puts a hand beneath his wife's chin, gently raising her head to look her in the eye. "It was only my mother's word, and even then she simply said she could not bring herself to /yet/. That was some time ago. Either way, you are, whether she likes it or not, a lady of the House of Chesterton, and you should be treated as such. You have proven your worth, and you deserve it."

Astera smiles warmly, her eyes brighening. "Thank you love." She gives a soft sigh, hand lightly resting on her stomach. "Do you think they shall like me?"

Tyren hehs, running a hand through his hair. "You, I think they shall no trouble at all with. It's /me/ that I wonder about."

Astera chuckles, "You darling? you have changed so much--I think they should hardly recognize you--and I think if they love me, they shall love you--and who you have become."

Tyren hehs again. "I... suppose I've had a glimpse of that already. Still, I seem to get mixed reactions from those who hail from Chesterton when our paths cross. I... must admit the prospect of heading back home for a time unsettles me a bit as well."

Astera's smile fades, "Oh?"

Tyren replies quietly, "I haven't been there since Father's death. The last image Chesterton has of me is likely a quiet, stoic, nigh-unfeeling son watching his father depart. And in the meantime... my family is not nearly as well-loved by our people as yours is by Carmichael. Add to that my already tenuous relationship with my mother and the strained, stilted one between Tyre and myself... it would be much for me to face."

Astera gives a small nod. "But surely they have heard of the changes you have experienced since your last visit--certainly of you taking a wife, and who it is. If the gossips of Carmichael knew of what you went through for your choice, surely Chesterton will."

Tyren hehs. "A possibility, but I have seen scorn from those who once called Chesterton their home as well. I have seen them fall both ways... and I am uncertain which of the two will be the more prevalent when the day comes." He shakes his head. "Still, it is something I will have to face sooner or later. At least I will not be doing so alone. Not like the last time."

Astera smiles, taking his hand. "you shall have me, and our child with you." She grins, "I know they shall come to love you Tyren, as much as I do.--And as much as our child shall."

Tyren smiles a bit. "In any case... there is still time, before that step needs to be taken."

Astera nods. "Do you think, even when we are at anvard, there is anything we can do to reach out to the people of Chesterton?"

Tyren says, "It is a question I have thought of often... and I still do not know the answer. At the very least, I write to Tyre every now and again and see what I might be able to do lighten his load from a distance - it is, after all, part of my own duty as the lesser lord to do so. But beyond that... I do not know. I suspect Lady Rosalind's thoughts often turn that direction as well, having come from there herself... perhaps between us we might be able to think of something."

Astera gives a small nod, expression thoughtful. "You know how i have gone into Andale to look after the needs of the people--and how Priya tends to the needs of her people from Carmichael, as your Aunt and Lady Honour do here?"

Tyren nods a bit. "As I have tried to do, wherever it is I happen to be."

Astera nods, "Perhaps we can try to do that, even from a distance--try to send some sort of comfort?"

Tyren asks, "Such as?"

Astera looks thoughtful, "Well, help ensure any in need might have it met if it be in our power. Just... find a way to let the people know we are here for them... I'm not sure with the distance it would be so easy, but have someone in the House let us know if there is a family or two in particular need we could help and reach out in that manner?"

Tyren hehs. "I've... never been kept very well appraised of things back home, and that's... not /always/ out of a lack of effort from my part, at least, but there's no harm in keeping at it. I'll see what can be done."

Astera smiles, "Good. At least see if we /can/ do something."

Tyren hehs. "There's always been rather little I can do from a distance... I have considerably less say in how things go there than people expect. But we shall see."

Astera gives a shall nod. She masks a yawn.

Tyren gives his wife a quick kiss. "It's late. Perhaps it's time you both got some rest?"

Astera smiles, "I think that wise."

Tyren smiles in return. "Then rest well, my love."

Astera kisses him, "You too love."