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Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 3:09 am
by Emilia
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand another one, edited to preserve alt secrecy. No pumpkin cookies without proper log submission.

Love, Emilia

Ulfden Clearing
You stand in the midst of a clearing in the woods. Tall trees surround you on
all sides, with a wooded hill looming over you to the west. Little sunlight
streams through the foliage of the trees above. Rocks jut from the ground and
hill, giving the clearing a wilder look. Jutting out of the wooded hill to the
west is a rocky overhang casting a slight shadow around the entrance to what
seems like a cave. A scraggily wolf pads back and forth before the entrance,
glancing your way.

The clearing ends in a rock path leading through scattered trees to the east.
A small cave entrance dwells underneath the overhang to the west.

Virika sits in the clearing, recovering from a spar and talking with Eirwyn.

Eirwyn nods. "Same here. Well, hopefully with more practice like this, it'll be another strong attack we can both use."

Virika smiles, "I'd like that."

Eirwyn sits not far from Virika. She smiles. "I would too. But I think I'll always be more confident in my bite anyway."

Virika says, "We were made to attack with teeth I think. They always say the bite needs to be worse than the bark."

Eirwyn nods her agreement with Virika. "That's very true." She hehs, "I think I prefer it that way. I don't have near the bark than Nevarre has, so I have to make up for it in my bite. Though he does have the bite to back up his bark."

Caileana emerges from the den.

Virika chuckles, "Yeah. Although he barks far more often."

Eirwyn smiles. "Better that he gets his point across without resorting to his bite." She turns slightly to look toward the den at the sound and she nods to Caileana.

Caileana nods towards the pair when she notices them in the Clearing. "Alpha, Hunter." She pads closer.

Virika nods. "Scout."

Eirwyn asks, "Caileana. Are you well?"

Caileana dips her head a fraction of an inch, a sign that she is only mostly well. "I am," she answers, sitting down nearby.

Virika observes, quiet for the time being.

Eirwyn says, "Good. Nevarre has been asking about you. I hope you'll be able to speak with him yourself soon. He is concerned for how things are going with your mother."

Caileana nods. "I have been planning on speaking with him as soon as I run into him. Things...have been interesting."

Eirwyn tilts her head slightly. "But not in a bad way, I take it?"

Caileana says. "No...I suppose not. We've only spoken a few times. It is - strained. But not bad."

Virika listens quietly, obsering the exchange.

Eirwyn gives a small nod. "I'm not exactly surprised. But I'm glad to hear it's not bad. I haven't seen much of her in the last few weeks."

Caileana nods in return. "She seems to be keeping to herself, for the most part."

Virika gives a soft grunt.

Eirwyn says, "Not that it's unexpected either."

Caileana flicks her eyes to Virika at the sound, and then back to Eirwyn. "No," she says softly.

Eirwyn asks, "Well, is everything else going well?"

Caileana nods. "I have been focusing on my patrols, for the most part, Alpha, although I have had the opportunity to speak with Petraverd on numerous occasions and even spar with him once." She seems to be avoiding discussion of other topics that are on her mind.

Virika attends to a few more wounds.

Eirwyn observes Caileana as she speaks. She gives another small nod. "I see. I hope the conversations and spar have all been helpful or enjoyable. Is there something else?"

Caileana shakes her head, and then rethinks the gesture. "I had hoped to speak with you, Hunter," she turns to Virika. "At some point when it would be convenient."

Virika says casually, "I'll see if I can squeeze it in."

Eirwyn says to Virika, "I don't think we're exactly busy here now."

Caileana glances between Eirwyn and Virika, silent for the moment.

Virika shrugs, "Glyn's resting at the moment. I guess not."

Eirwyn gets to her paws. "I'm going on patrol then. I'll be back in a little while. If Nevarre comes out of the den, will you let him know I'm on patrol?"

Virika says, "You don't have to leave if you want to stay. Let's be honest, you'll hear of it regardless."

Caileana dips her head in agreement. "This is true."

Eirwyn looks between them both. "It makes no difference to me. I am willing to give you the privacy to speak freely to one another if you want it."

Caileana glances at Virika for her decision.

Virika says, "Nah. I'm cool with you here."

Eirwyn sits back down. "Very well then."

Caileana turns her attention to Virika calmly, albeit a little lost for words. "I - wanted to apologize again for my words to you back at the festival."

Virika gives a soft 'ah'.

Eirwyn sits quietly, looking between them both.

Caileana adds, "Glyn told me that what I said hurt you as well. I was rash. But you are my packmate, and I do not wish there to be words between us."

Virika says calmly, "I was hurt, yes."

Caileana waits for her to elaborate.

Virika says, "I think I was more hurt you would take the word of a wolf who has just established a tentative peace with our pack than your own packmate than by some of the things you said. I felt very dismissed. I assumed... I had established a better connection with you than the one I had."

Eirwyn remains quiet.

Caileana winces faintly, but owns up to that. "For my part, I was hurt you would assume my disagreement with you meant a shift in my loyalty, to you and to our pack. I had thought I had proven what was important to me more than that." She falls silent before speaking again, "I think the implication behind what we both said was the problem. I did not mean to - to mistrust your judgment or insult your position as my superior. Though that is what I ended up doing."

Virika says, "I /was/ afraid of your loyalties." Virika pauses. "To some extent, I still am."

Caileana nods, but looks a little hurt even still at this very idea. She frowns. "Virika, the pack is my family. No petty feelings for a Wolf can come between that. I am not Faol, or Zayev, or Layavin, or any of the others who have left over such disagreements. My place is here."

Eirwyn continues to listen quietly, though she frowns faintly.

Virika says, "Layavin said the same thing.--I assume Frostshade had made similar promises. Zayev left because he was a pup with notions bigger than he was and worshipped the ground Faol walked on. Faol left because he could not bear to be inferior to a wolf he saw enter the pack. And let's look at Layavin shall we? She left on a whim because she felt Faol liked her. These are rather petty reasons, yet each would hold to their choice today as though we decided to return to /her/ service. Do you /really/ think Zayev respects us, for all his pretty talk of peace? And that, should the oppotuniry arise, he would not risk his advantage to discourage something that he /knows/ cannot be? Had he /really/ been concerned about peace he would have been more cautious."

Caileana looks a little taken aback by this barrage of words. "Is what I think of Zayev really the problem here, Virika? I do not hold the suspicion of him that you do. Perhaps that is naive of me. I have not seen what many of those in the pack have seen. But no matter my opinion, he does still have much to prove to us. I would give him that opportunity. But I was born of Ulfden, I have bled for Ulfden, and I will die a Wolf whose loyalties are unchanging." Caileana frowns. "You speak of her. Would it comfort you to know that beyond my loyalty to this pack is my loyalty to the Lion? He has placed me here, in this pack, for a reason, and even if my loyalties switched, I would remain here for his sake and his alone."

Virika says, "You are not the only one to bleed for Ulfden Scout. You are lucky bleeding is all you have done." Her eyes darken faintly. "One must be cautious with an opinion of another--especially when peace is so delicate. And perhaps what I have seen has jaded me. I'd rather be that than naive. Knowledge comes at a terrible price, and once bought cannot be cast aside. As for serving the Lion, it's easy to say such things. Doesn't Zayev preach about how wonderfully loyal he is to the Lion's Will?"

Eirwyn looks closely between the two. She holds her tongue, for now.

Caileana sighs. "I understand the need for caution, Virika. That has been made abundantly clear to me. And while I may have cast such caution aside in a moment of weakness, do not believe I am of an uncautious nature." She glances at the ground. "Perhaps this a matter we will not be able to agree upon."

Virika says with a shrug, "You're young. You've seen things. Let's hope you don't see worse. We don't all need to be so jaded."

Caileana offers simply. "Perhaps not."

Eirwyn waits, giving them further opportunity to speak if they need it.

Virika says, "I just have a question. You mentioned a moment of weakness..."

Caileana tilts her head.

Virika asks, "How do we know that you will not disregard caution, in the same manner again, when it is important?"

Caileana flinches faintly. "I suppose you do not," she answers candidly. "I will have to prove it to you." Her eyes flicker with something akin to hurt. "But I have conducted myself with caution in most other situations."

Virika says evenly, "Most yes. all the more reason it is unsettling when you disregard it. Love does not make you disregard caution in a volatile situation."

Caileana says, "I did not say there was an excuse for my actions. Only that it was a mistake I willingly admit to."

Virika examines Caileana closely. "What do you feel is your mistake?"

Eirwyn continues to hold her tongue.

Caileana says, "Allowing my emotions to get the better of me, and my hurt and mistaken offense at what you said to be made so obvious before those who were not of my pack."

Virika gives a small nod. Virika adds, "I'd say also trusting the word of a wolf who considers our Alpha Nevaare, dishonorable based on standards he doesn't like to speak of."

Caileana frowns. "I did not say I trusted him. Only that I am less dubious of his intentions."

Virika says, "My statement still stands. He considers Nevarre honorless."

Eirwyn frowns.

Virika says, "For no real good reason."

Caileana says, "I cannot attest to that, because I have not heard him speak of that.""

Virika eyes darken, "Even if you do not hear him speak, his actions cry louder than words! More dangerous than being naive is being willfully so."

Caileana scowls right back. "And you were the one to say that both of them have extremely large egos. I have not taken his actions to be any more than that. If this is true, it is unacceptable." She speaks evenly.

Virika says, "I do not deny I think Nevarre has a large ego--in fact, I've never been shy about saying such. Nor have I been shy about saying the same of Zayev. However, I /do/ believe Nevarre is honorable and that if Zayev believes in honor as strongly as he says, he should tell others the standard by which he is measuring."

Virika snaps, "And the only reason Zayev amounted to /anything/ is he caught the fancy of that..." Virika rattles off several unkind names for Blizzard here. Virika says, "Lion only knows what Fate he will suffer for it. Perhaps he might be lucky and outlive /her/."

Eirwyn frowns a little further, actually looking a little surprised as Virika continues. Now she looks as if it's taking quite a bit to stay quiet, but she does.

Caileana says, "And do you believe I do not think Nevarre is honorable? He is my Alpha, and I will stand by him and his honor. If Zayev has insulted it, this is the first I have heard of it beyond a mutual dislike which I had credited to their different leadership styles. And as I have said before, I do not condone the methods that Zayev has taken to gain his role of leadership, but as far as I have seen he has done well. Though he has yet to prove himself completely."

Virika says coolly, "I never said /you/ thought him dishonorable. I was merely speaking of Zayev."

Eirwyn finally speaks up. "Their mutual dislike certainly started when Zayev left accusing us /all/ of being honorless."

Virika says with disgust, "Honorless /dogs/ if I recall correctly."

Caileana growls, turning to Eirwyn with a faint look of surprise. "He said that?"

Eirwyn says, "He may as well have. He alligned himself with Faol and left with him, who called us a pack of dogs."

Caileana frowns, clearly disturbed by this idea. "And what did he say when he came to the Waste?"

Virika allows Eirwyn to speak.

Eirwyn frowns. "He said little of Ulfden's honor, though he did make sure to again point out that we had a less than spotless past that we had been redeemed from. I was referring to the initial dislike."

Nevarre walks out of the den silently. Upon hearing the conversation, he grumbles, "Am I to assume we speak of Zayev?"

Caileana frowns faintly, but nods. "This is all the point that I wish to make, Alpha, Hunter," she includes them both in this. "I would offer Zayev a chance to redeem honor, as Ulfden did in the past. But if he would call us dishonorable, or the Alpha dishonorable, in his quest for that, that is unacceptable to me. It is also something I had not heard." She glances at Virika. "I have not shared your hatred of him, Virika. And that I believe is at the bottom of our disagreement. But I see your point to proceed cautiously."

Eirwyn says to Caileana, "And we've been doing just that, cautiously. No one has disagreed with that since our previous meetings." She nods to Nevarre, looking grateful for his arrival.

Virika bows her head to Nevarre.

Caileana finishes speaking just as Nevarre does, and she turns in his direction to bow her head. "Alpha," she greets him.

Nevarre nods to each of the wolves in turn before joining Eirwyn by her side. He says, "Is it our pack that he claims to be dishonorable, or is it myself in particular? Because it seems his issues are with me, as he clearly demonstrated in our meetings."

Eirwyn says to Nevarre, "I only know of what happened prior to the meetings and at the meetings, nothing afterward." She looks to Virika and Caileana for their responses.
The next scheduled database save will be in 1 hour, 18 mins, 21 secs.

Caileana says, "I have not heard him call any member of Ulfden dishonorable to my face, Alpha. All that aside, from my interactions with him at the festival, he does not seem to believe I, or Glyn, or even Virika dishonorable. That is all speculation, but if since he has called you dishonorable, it would appear to be only you. But to my face, all he has told me is that no disrespect to you, Eirwyn seems to be more level-headed of an Alpha."

Virika listens quietly.

Nevarre hmms thoughtfully before saying, "It is because Zayev does not understand that honor and integrity do not present themselves in the most obvious of ways. They can be obscured by words, but I believe actions can reveal the truth."

Virika says softly, "Well spoken Alpha."

Caileana thinks about this for a moment, nodding at Virika's statement. She asks, "And do you believe his actions show honor and integrity, or are merely colorful words, Alpha?"

Nevarre says, "Zayev is an intelligent wolf, he knows how to make his words ooze honey and draw you in"

Virika says, "He also seems to be fond of double speak--saying one thing while working on another."

Nevarre says, "Again, his actions will show his true honor."

Caileana opens her mouth to respond to Nevarre and then closes it again when Virika speaks. "Such as?" she asks.

Virika says coldly, "Speaking of how "Lion only knows" what will develop--knowing full well what it means if you and Drune were to turn out as a couple. He knows he should caution Drune--for the sake of our peace--and by allowing it to continue, he willingly put the peace at risk." Virika says coldly, "By coming here to offer aid he cannot give. That excuse nearly put us at odds with the unicorns. Or how about bringing the only wolf we've ever exiled into our domain while wanting to talk peace?" Virika says coolly, "Shall I give a few more? I do not trust him for a good reason. /Scout/." Virika adds, "And hate is a very powerful thing. I dislike Zayev. I do not /hate/ him."

Caileana's expression shows that she is weighing this honestly, but as Virika's tone grows colder, she begins to frown. But she smoothes the frown away and nods simply. "I see your points Hunter. And I will admit they are ones I have not thought of." She stops herself before she says more.

Nevarre turns to Virika, "You are wise to discern such truths Virika, now the question is, does Zayev realize the same. He is clever, and can easily spin deceptive truths, but that may not always be his intent. You must simply wait and watch

Virika says quietly, "Thank you Alpha."

Caileana falls silent for the moment.

Eirwyn nods her agreement with Nevarre. "Time and his further actions will reveal that. The caution is warranted."

Nevarre nods, "And that is how you must proceed. You know by now that I will take action at the first sign of trouble, but I will not bring an unjust accusation without reasonable proof"

Virika gives a small nod.

Caileana listens, intent but quiet.

Nevarre says, "That is how actions represent honor."

Eirwyn nods her agreement once more. "Well said." She pauses and then says, mostly to Nevarre, "Excuse me for just a moment." She then pads into the den. Eirwyn returns and quietly resumes her place by Nevarre.

Nevarre turns and watches as Eirwyn leaves and returns. He tilts his head and asks, "Are you all right?"

Eirwyn nods to him. She responds quietly, "I'm fine. I was just a little hungry."

Caileana turns to Virika, her desire to patch things up still evident. "In any case," she says quietly. "You have my apologies for my rashness."

Virika gives a small nod. "Apology accepted."

Nevarre nods in response before turning and quietly listening to Virika and Caileana's exchange

Caileana looks relieved at getting this concession, /finally/. She smiles tentatively. "As I said, you are still my packmate, Virika. And my friend."

Eirwyn looks pleased to hear the exchange, her focus also moving to Virika and Caileana.

Virika smiles a little. "Aye."

Virika looks to the Alphas, "Permission to head out on patrol?"

Eirwyn nods to Virika.

Virika waits for leave from both Alphas. She bows her head to them and nods to Caileana.