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November Featured RP Contest

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 5:04 am
by Emilia
Here we are, your friendly neighborhood otterwiz and lynxwiz, presenting you, our players, with a long-anticipated contest update. That’s right…we’ve been feasting ourselves on the cornucopia of your log submissions in between stuffing ourselves with pumpkin lattes, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin cake, pumpkin scones, and pumpkin ravioli. OK, I admit, that was [mostly] me. Pay no attention to the pumpkin crumbs on Melody’s fur.

You all have been doing some exceptional RPing, and from all the staff, we want to let you know that our players top the list of what we’re grateful for. Please feel free to keep them coming, and we’ll feel free to continue rewarding you. As always, our monthly featured RP winners receive a FABULOUS prize package with an all-expense paid trip to scenic Cair Paravel, where you can fanboi or fangurl to your heart’s content over the royals (we all do). Just watch that fourth step in the Throne Room. It’s a doozy.

EDIT: Our corporate sponsor, the glorious Tisroc (mayheliveforever), has just informed us that due to unforeseen budget cuts, all travel packages have been cancelled. Instead, winners will receive 10 Silver Apples and runners-up will receive 5 Silver Apples (and any leftover pumpkin goodies).
Here are this month’s entries. Voting will close in two weeks, on November 25th. Because I can, they are presented in comparison to the musicals which they most remind me of.


MUSICAL: West Side Story

“When you’re with Ulfden, you’re a wolf all the way, from your first sparring match to your last dying day…”

Virika and Eirwyn and Caileana and Nevarre decide to all get along by airing out their grievances. This otter’s take is that if Nevarre had organized the first Thanksgiving meal, everything would have involved a lot less cranberry sauce and a lot more sparring. Oh, and all of the napkins would be printed with his picture, because you can never look at pictures of Nevarre or trophies that Nevarre’s earned too often, right? Ulfden needs a few more lessons before they’re ready to take on the Jets when it comes to choreographed dance fighting, but they seem to have working out their drama down to an art form.


MUSICAL: Carousel

“My boy Ty, I will see that he is named after me, I’ll try.
My boy, Ty! He'll be tall and nice as a pie, will Ty!

Impending parenthood looms up ahead for Tyren and Astera, but that won’t dissuade Tyren from waxing philosophical whenever the need arises. If this whole parenting gig doesn’t work out for him, that great lung capacity he’s developing with all his talkativeness will come in handy when he takes on that day job as a carnival barker to keep his baby supplied with diapers. There is no anticipated due date for this special delivery, but the word on the street is that many of the Archenland tabloids have decided to get together and offer good odds on a betting pool. They’ve got me down for the 30th of Firstfall, so Astera, I hope you have that baby right on schedule ;).



“If you don’t mind having to deal with Cantil, it’s a fine life…But the grass is green and dense
On the right side of the 'fence'. And we take good care of it, that we get our share of it”

In which Cantil, Lorcan, and Damala proceed to lose their marbles. ‘Nough said. These three party like it’s at least 1699, and a time of merriment was had by all. Hey, guys, do you think there’s a special set of marbles that’ll work with my paws? Because I keep dropping them, and that just isn’t good for my back. Who knows…at the next Beruna Fair we might have to convince King Peter to make competitive marbles a tournament sport. I’ll be the otter on the sidelines wearing a really cute blue scarf and holding the big banner painted with glitter glue. Of course, I’m picturing you guys playing with historically accurate marbles.



“If something is happening to the animals, someone’s got to tell the roleplay wizard. That’s why we /have/ a roleplay wizard…so nothing baaaaaaaad could happen here in Narnia…”

WHAT YOU’LL SEE AND WHAT WE LIKED: This roleplay is short and sweet and to the point. So often we talk to you about making sure that your talking beasts actually behave like talking beasts, and this is an example of every Narnian having his day, with featured performances by, you guessed it from the title, Dextyr and Rosewood.


MUSICAL: Phantom of the Opera, minus the creepy underground lair

“The Uniiiiiiiicorn of the Opera is there…inside your miiiiiiiiind…”

Petraverd’s certainly gotten inside Glyn’s head, if this roleplay is anything to go by. If that wolf shows up sporting a detachable indigo horn, there’s going to be a whole new fashion trend in Lantern Waste this winter. This entry’s got sickeningly cute displays of friendship, so it’s the perfect complement to all that Halloween candy some of us are still trying to digest. All of this without the added calories of said candy OR having to listen to any actual opera music. In fact, no composers were harmed in the making of this roleplay whatsoever. Talk about your win-win situations!


Re: November Featured RP Contest

PostPosted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 11:43 pm
by Melody
Looks like this month ends in a tie! Congratulations to Lorcan, Damala, Cantil, Petraverd and Glyn! Twice the winners, twice the love. :cool: I'll be posting BOTH your logs on the website, and you'll find some goodies in your SA accounts. Also congratulations to Tyren and Astera, the featured players in our runner-up.

Well done, everybody! Some fantastic submissions this month and I quite enjoyed reading them all! Now: onward and upward. >:)

EDIT: Logs are posted here and here.

Re: November Featured RP Contest

PostPosted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 11:48 pm
by Petraverd
...don't you mean 'Further up and further in?'

Re: November Featured RP Contest

PostPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:42 am
by Melody
ACTUALLY i just said it like that to wind you up and it WORKED.


Re: November Featured RP Contest

PostPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 2:08 am
by Petraverd
You're assuming I'm wound up. I'm merely asking a question, however. :wink:

Re: November Featured RP Contest

PostPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 2:28 am
by Melody
Nope, got a reaction. COUNTS. >:)

Re: November Featured RP Contest

PostPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 9:24 am
by Ruby
Ruby likes this.

(I gotta say that I'm siding with Melz here, Petra)

Re: November Featured RP Contest

PostPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:04 pm
by Melody
Ruby wrote:Ruby likes this.

melz likes that ruby likes this

Re: November Featured RP Contest

PostPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 9:47 pm
by Ruby
Melody wrote:
Ruby wrote:Ruby likes this.

melz likes that ruby likes this

Ruby likes that Melz likes that Ruby likes this.
