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Gwylyn and Skarlieth visit the Stone Table

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 9:19 am
by Gwylyn
In the Branches of the Great Oak
You find yourself sitting on a sturdy, broad branch of the Great Oak Tree.
There are soft, quiet noises all around you, probably coming from other
creatures, who, like yourself have come here to rest. The thick leaves and
branches block nearly all sunlight, so you can't see who they are.
It looks as though you could climb down fairly easily, these lowest branches
aren't too high off the ground.

Skarlieth is slowly waking up, perched high in the oak, eyes still half closed.

Gwylyn climbs up the tree, aparently having explored around a bit already. "Good morning!"

Skarlieth blinks away the sleep, twisting his head to locate the sound. He spreads his wings and half-bows. "Good morning, Gwylyn. I hope you slept well?"

Gwylyn nods. "Yes, I have. How about you?"

Skarlieth dips his head. "Indeed."

Gwylyn nods again. "That is good. It’s rather far to journey here from the Woods, I find."

Skarlieth cocks his head, frowning slightly. "Is it? I found that it was not far at all."

Gwylyn shrugs slightly. "Perhaps you are more accustomed to travel than I am."

Skarlieth inclines his head again in a slight bow. "Forgive me, I had forgotten I spend so much time flying. I meant no offense."

Gwylyn shakes her head. "There was no offence. I do not fly as often as other Eagles, perhaps. I do not have the stamina to fly long, as well."

Skarlieth nods. "It takes time, but I have had..." he pauses a moment, then continues, a strange, almost sad smile in his eyes, "...more practice than most, and for many years."

Gwylyn cocks her head slightly, but does not question Skarlieth. "You have also trained long. Stamina surely increases with excersise."

Skarlieth once again nods, with a small shrug. "It does, though very slowly it seems. It also helps not to carry much with me in my flights."

Gwylyn nods as well. "Strength may come in handy some day. If the need arises to carry a Narnian to some other location."

Skarlieth seems to smile slightly, stretching his wings. "Indeed, though that is a daunting task as far as I can see."

Gwylyn grins somewhat. "As if we would be /capable/ of carrying anything larger than a Badger with us, in the /air/..."

Skarlieth chuckles softly. "It would be difficult... depending on how far though, I might be able to manage something slightly larger."

Gwylyn cocks her head to the side, smiling lightly. "Impressive."

Skarlieth spreads his wings in a small shrug. "Perhaps. Have you spent any time next to the table yet?"

Gwylyn nods, taking a deep breath. "Yes. It’s very impressive, slightly daunting. It’s..." she frowns at the branch she’s perched on, searching for the perfect word. "It really reminds you of the past. It’s very easy to forget the reason why Narnia is free, but when you’re near the Table, you are reminded of it all of a sudden." She looks back up at Skarlieth. "Did that make any sense?"

Skarlieth nods once with a slow blink. "It does, all of that. And it reminds me at least of the winter as well, and why Narnia is worth defending."

Gwylyn says, "And Narnia is /very/ much worth defending." She smiles a bit. "I can see that even better, now that I’m actually here."

Skarlieth cocks his head again. "What was Archenland like? I flew there once, though that was an accident and I returned as soon as I realized where I was. But it seemed fair from even that one glance."

Gwylyn nods slowly, remeniscing. "It was very beautiful and very impressive. The mountain range is very large, and the forests are deep and green." She pauses for a moment. "I might have stayed there for a bit, had my want for Narnia not been so great."

Skarlieth ahs faintly. "Narnia is our homeland, so I am not surprised you were drawn back here once the witch was cast down."

Gwylyn smiles lightly, though her eyes are faint with sadness. "My father always told me stories of Narnia and the Woods, which were passed down to /him/ from his father. I suppose it’s in my blood, like you said."

Skarlieth notices the look in her eye and bows his head. "May I ask what happened to your father?"

Gwylyn stares through the leaves of the tree for a minute before turning towards Skarlieth. When she turns, the sadness is still apparent in her face. "After my mother died, my father lived in grief for years. He finally succumbed to it. He loved my mother dearly. It was then that I decided to journey to Narnia." She manages to say this without a catch in her voice, but she quickly averts her gaze to another branch.

Skarlieth flinches ever so slightly. "I am sorry."

Gwylyn notes his flinch, but does not comment. "It’s all right. I am trying to get over it still, but I am not sure how long it will take me." She glances appreciatively at Skarlieth. "I appreciate your support, though."

Skarlieth dips his head quietly. "Not at all. And grief takes time to heal."

Gwylyn nods quickly, taking a few moments in thought.

Skarlieth is silent for a moment. "How long was the trip from Archenland to here?"

Gwylyn considers this for a minute, then answers. "It took me about a week, I would say. Not including preparations," she continues a tad dryly, "and asking for directions. Though I have a good sense of direction."

Skarlieth chuckles very softly. "A useful thing to have when flying. I fear that I often do not, less I have often been around an area."

Gwylyn says, "Though with the Woods, it’s very simple to find your way around, I find. All you really need to do is fly East or West, for most things you need are in that line."

Skarlieth nods, a small smile still in his eyes. He shifts slightly, causing the branch he is perched on to rustle. "Indeed, and it is not difficult to go elsewhere in the Woods either."

Gwylyn nods in agreement. "Provided you can fly, of course." She smiles a tad wryly. "I think it's far easier for Eagles to live in the Woods than Walking Beasts."

Skarlieth gives a short laugh. "Indeed, I would not be surprised, though the wolves know their way around well." He glances through the branches to the sky. "I fear I must get some rest, I was up early this morning. Rest well, Gwylyn."

Gwylyn nod. "You as well. It’s been a pleasure staying with you." She hops onto another branch, settling her wings into a more comfortable position. "I should sleep as well."

Skarlieth drops to a stronger branch after one more glance skyward. He inclines his head and spreads his wings half way. "The same to you."