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Who's in the training cavern?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 3:12 pm
by Glyn
This RP never occurred between Petraverd and Glyn, except in our OOC imaginations. With your approval, I submit it purely for the entertainment of all. :)

Gathering Circle


What a sweet place you have wandered to. The forest trees here are scattered across a soft meadow of heather and wildflowers, and the sun dapples the ground through the leaves above. This is a wide section of earth, and it seems to be a gathering place - indeed, there is a ring of stones in one side of the open clearing where it seems fires have been built over many nights. To the south, a worn path leads to the Cauldron Pool and the waterfall that feeds it. You can also see a path leading west toward the cliff-face. To the east the path leads into the deeper forests of Lantern Waste.


You can go: Clearing <N>, Into Lantern Waste <E>, Cauldron Pool <S>, Base of the Cliffs <W>


An unicorn stallion with emerald eyes (Petraverd)

Glyn trots into the clearing, breathing heavily and with eyes bright.

Petraverd lifts his head as he notes the movement, and lets out a low, pleasant sort of whinny. "Well hello, Glyn."

Glyn lifts his head and smiles. "Hello, Petraverd! How are you faring?"

Petraverd asks, "Rather well, I'd say. I'm gathering you're much the same?"

Glyn shrugs, looking rather pleased with himself. "Contributing to the pack has a way of making me feel good."

Petraverd chuckles. "I can relate to that one, I think. With the herd it’s much the same.”

Glyn regards the unicorn thoughtfully. “That makes sense. There’s so much I don’t know about the herd. You’re the only unicorn I’ve come to know well. I’m not even sure I could name all of the others.”

Petraverd observes, “Well, that’s hardly surprising. Not many of us spend much time outside of Un’airekan. And I suppose unicorn names can be difficult too.”

Glyn frowns. “Can they? I never had much trouble with yours, or Ruby’s or Peridot’s…”

Petraverd flicks his ear in amusement. “Ah, those are the easy ones. Some unicorn names are downright peculiar.”

Glyn considers for a moment and then asks, “Maybe you could teach me some of their names? It’d really help in learning more about the herd, and we are supposed to be allies after all.”

Petraverd nods and tosses his head back to think. “Well, let’s see… I think there are a few of us abroad today, as a matter of fact. So… Who’s in the training cavern, What’s by the lamp-post, I Don’t Know’s at the Cauldron Pool…”

Glyn blinks. “You don’t know their names?”

Petraverd looks down and snorts. “I should.”

Glyn eyes the unicorn uncertainly. “Well then who’s in the training cavern?”

Petraverd says simply, “Yes.”

Glyn says, “I mean the unicorn’s *name* in the training cavern.”

Petraverd says, “Who.”

Glyn says, “The unicorn in the training cavern.”

Petraverd repeats, “Who.”

Glyn says, “The one in the training cavern!”

Petraverd states firmly, “/Who/ is in the training cavern!”

Glyn protests, “Well, what are you asking *me* for?”

Petraverd sighs. “I’m not asking you. I’m telling you: Who is in the training cavern.”

Glyn exclaims, “I’m asking *you* who’s in the training cavern!”

Petraverd insists, “That’s the unicorn’s name.”

Glyn asks, “That’s whose name?”

Petraverd nods. “Exactly.”

Glyn frowns deeply and sits down. After a long pause, he takes a breath and asks carefully, “Alright. Let’s say the unicorn in the training cavern gets sick and needs Peridot’s care. Who gets her attention?”

Petraverd agrees, “Absolutely. After all, the herd always helps its own.”

Glyn asks, “So… who gets it?”

Petraverd asks, “Why shouldn’t he? Of course, his mate is a healer too, so I guess this business with Peridot is hypothetical.”

Glyn presses, “Whose mate?”

Petraverd says, “Yes.”

Glyn pauses, stumped. “Look, all I’m trying to find out is what’s the name of the unicorn in the training cavern.”

Petraverd shakes his head. “No, no, What’s the name of the unicorn by the lamp-post.”

Glyn grumbles, “I’m not *asking* you who’s by the lamp-post.”

Petraverd sighs. “Who’s in the training cavern!”

Glyn protests, “I don’t know!”

Petraved shakes his head. “I told you, she’s at the Cauldron Pool.”

Glyn’s nape bristles. “Okay… Let’s say that I were to head over to the training cavern right now, and ask the unicorn there for a spar. At that point I’d be sparring with who?”

Petraverd looks down at the wolf and smiles. “Now, that’s the first thing you’ve said right.”

Glyn blinks and exclaims, “I don’t even know what I’m talking about!”

Petraverd whickers, “Don’t get excited! Just take it easy.”

Glyn complains bitterly, “How can this be so complicated? I don’t know if I’m sparing with who, what, when, or even whither! Oh, I don’t care anymore!”

Petraverd tilts his head. “What was that?”

Glyn shouts, “I DON’T CARE ANYMORE!”

Petraverd laughs, “Oh, no, she’s still behind the waterfall.”

Re: Who's in the training cavern?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 3:18 pm
by Ruby
Oh my goodness Glyn, this is so hilarious! :lol: :lol: :lol: I've read it about 5 times and I still laugh out loud each time I read it. Is there an ROLF emoticon here anywhere? *looks* Aww dangit.

Actually, the first time I read it, I thought that it actually happened IC. I didn't see that little note at the top there. So convincing!

Thumbs up!

Re: Who's in the training cavern?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:11 pm
by Glyn
Thanks, Ruby! Petraverd and I discovered a mutual love of Abbott and Costello one evening and once it started, I couldn't stop. :)

Re: Who's in the training cavern?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:37 pm
by Snowback
We'll be praying for greater self-control for you two in the future. ;)

Re: Who's in the training cavern?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:57 am
by Glyn
Get used to disappointment. :grin: