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Roleplay Logblogs

PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 6:19 pm
by Melody
Here it is, the thing you've been waiting for: an easily accessed list of the publicly available logblogs out there! Check it out, I even alphabetized them. :cool:

If you want your logblog/character journal on this list and don't see it up here, run over to this thread and post a link to it, or just send me a message. I'll get the list updated as soon as I can, but if it's been a few days and you still don't see your logblog, drop me a pmail and I'll get right on it.

The List:

Glyn's excellent log scrubber is here, as always. Enjoy!

Re: Roleplay Logblogs

PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:41 pm
by Ruby
Whoah, thanks, Melody!! Highly convenient linking!! I likey! :D