What would you guys like to see this summer?
Thu May 29, 2014 3:29 pm
by Antheia
You'll have some more active RP staff during the summer months... what would you like to see? Also, would you like to see more content on the website/forums/misc social media? What kind?
No guarantees of course! But, fun as our staff brainstorms are, they aren't worth much if you aren't feeling invested, so let us know! You can use the bug/task system if you'd rather give suggestions more discreetly.
Re: What would you guys like to see this summer?
Sun Jun 01, 2014 6:05 am
by Sehsis
Well, like other people in Archenland I'm looking forward to the finale of HHB
(Also I would not say no to at least Tashbaan being playable :'3 not gonna happen I know but I can dream yes)
Re: What would you guys like to see this summer?
Wed Aug 06, 2014 1:35 pm
by Crenna
I know that I am really late to this post but better late than never.
I am always up for some festival or any RP inducing event. Also, I wouldn't mind seeing the Forums active again!
Re: What would you guys like to see this summer?
Fri Aug 15, 2014 12:20 am
by Antheia
hear hear, the forums! Thanks for dredging up some old but still relevant posts!
Re: What would you guys like to see this summer?
Wed Jul 22, 2015 9:13 pm
by Dalia
Crenna wrote:I know that I am really late to this post but better late than never.
I am always up for some festival or any RP inducing event. Also, I wouldn't mind seeing the Forums active again!
Festivals are always fun!