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PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 2:56 am
by Melody
So as you know, Aslan makes an appearance after the battle in The Horse and His Boy. Lune has a small luncheon on the terrace (up the stairs from the staff quarters, through the nobles' quarters and the great chamber, if you're curious) following the battle with the Narnian Royals and his court, Rabadash is brought up to be judged, and subsequently turned into a donkey.

Not gonna be RP'd. It's all in the book.

However, the thing that is not in the book is: your characters.

Here's the rough list of the people who will be at that luncheon and get to see Aslan:

Narnians: Edmund, Lucy, Peridan, Tempest, Drune, Nimera, Sigyn, Aliyah

Archenlanders: Lune, Cor, Corin, Aravis, Shar, Dar, Darrin, Cole, Colin, Tran, Tyre, Avery, Arael, Lanisen, Dalia, Tyren*, Astera*, Barron*, Rosalind*, Ast*, Priya*, Cantil*

The starred people on this list are the characters who did not actively participate in the events, but still might logically have been there. If you're on the list and want to include "saw Aslan that one time" in your personal backstory, please indicate whether or not you were there so the rest of us know!

If you're not on this list, but you're an Archenland commoner who was involved in the HHB events, you can still get in on this as a server at the luncheon. Page me or Lydia and we'll get things figured out. If you play one of the characters on this list and you do not want to have been at the luncheon, yell and we'll remove you from the list.

So here's the fun part!

Your character has just seen Aslan. What's going through their mind? What are they feeling? How will this impact their life? What will they most remember about this, and what will they tell their grandkids?

guys if ever there was a time for flailing, this is it

Re: Aslan!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 11:46 am
by Tyren
Tyren was totally there. His player might not have been due to technical issues, but he most definitely was. :wink:

Re: Aslan!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 3:15 pm
by Melody
React please!

Re: Aslan!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 8:06 pm
by Lune
I suppose I'll start things off. First in every charge and all that, wot. :)

Lune's reaction is pretty well covered by the book. He's the first person to speak after Aslan departs and his first move is to express compassion for Rabadash in his new state.

I think as a monarch he probably feels extremely validated and relieved. They've just won a battle by Aslan's grace and the skin of their teeth, and here's Aslan making sure they won't need to fight that battle again for a generation or three. Lune is realizing the extent to which his country is protected and that's both a load off his mind and a new weight, if that makes sense.

On a more personal level, he's as glad and awed and shaky as anybody else. That was Aslan, I mean, wow.

Re: Aslan!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 8:27 pm
by Colin
Right. I went and refreshed myself on the book scene, as well as the Focus on the Family Radio Theatre depiction. Colin's reaction is not covered in the book, so I described bits of what the setting is like to help show his reaction. It turned out pretty long, so I apologize in advance! (Writers, man…they can never shut up!)
It's hard nailing down how Colin felt when seeing Aslan. Colin's not been in a good place leading up to the siege and the battle, and since the events of the weekend he's gained quite a bit of perspective but is still in a mild state of shock at everything that transpired, so there's a lot for him to work through.
The book says when Rabadash sneers at King Lune and refuses his offer of release (upon certain conditions), most of the lords spring to their feet and Corin shouts for permission to box him, no doubt voicing how everyone was feeling. Caught in the midst of this anger and frustration, suddenly everyone goes still and rises from the table (to me this means they all clearly know who this is, and Aslan isn't a normal Lion. He's the type you see and immediately in your gut, you know this is /Him/, so that's the impression I'm going with.)
Colin felt no confusion at seeing Aslan, however he did simultaneously feel awe, dismay, and hope. He felt very strongly that the Lion who stood in the midst of the room was the very reason that he/they do what they do. He felt sick to his stomach for fear the Lion knew what had been in his thoughts of late, yet still the hope and the promise was there that everything was going to be all right. All of a sudden, Someone more important was taking care of Rabadash.
He didn't quite know what to do think when Rabadash is completely unrepentant and disrespectful in the face of /the/ Lion. He felt even a bit of fear and dread at what might transpire (and under it all, Aslan's words to Rabadash about pride and anger (for what did he have to be prideful for and who had done him wrong) pricked him. As Rabadash rails at Aslan and subsequently turns into a donkey, the people begin to laugh and Colin is no exception. It secretly pleases him that Rabadash is being made an utter fool, yet it bothers him that he is released and Aslan's justice tempered with mercy makes him think and ponder. A lot.
When Aslan disappears, there's a brightness in the air and joy in their hearts because he was not a dream. Colin's left just as shaky and stunned as the rest of them, feeling huge relief at Aslan's ensuring Rabadash would never return, and I think just plain relief, cause Aslan has their backs and as long as Aslan is around, everything's going to be okay, no matter what happens. I think it's safe to say he's still processing and trying to figure out what this means for him in light of the things he's been struggling with these past months, but this whole week was a huge turning point for him. While he's thoughtful, he's not moody. He's in a great mood, because all is well, and all /shall/ be well. I can't wait to see what further results this brings!

Re: Aslan!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 8:36 pm
by Aravis
As you may know, this was not Aravis' first time seeing Aslan. The first time being when he visited her and the horses while they were with the hermit and told them their stories, and of course her major change happened after her first meeting, not this one. Even though she was clearly overawed in that meeting, not having grown up knowing about Aslan, I don't know if she really quite grasped just how huge a deal it was. But after the second meeting, and having spoken to others I think she would come to realise that wow, this is huge!

Re: Aslan!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 8:55 pm
by Lanisen
Lanisen's just scared out of his mind. XD

For anybody not in the know, Lanisen has a very questionable past and carries around a lot of guilt. Things are much much better for him now in a lot of ways, but he still kind of figures one of these days there's gonna be a reckoning. So being confronted with Aslan's reality and presence and ...I dunno, muchness, it's kind of really, really terrifying. What he wants most is to run.

But also he's not sure which direction he wants to run, if you follow.

He thinks maybe if he could find somewhere nearish to hide, that would be good. He thinks if he could just stay somewhere close, out of sight, and listen to that voice for a good long while, that would be all right.

He was hurt in the siege so he doesn't run anywhere. He just kind of keeps his head down and tries to avoid notice. Afterwards he's very quiet and preoccupied, needs time and space to work through everything.

Re: Aslan!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 9:51 pm
by Tyre
Tyre will have felt a kind of peace. He will probably consider Aslan's punishment for a long time in terms of how the principles may apply both to criminals and trade. The trade implications of Calormen's attack will of course weigh heavily on him, but that is another matter.
His reaction to Aslan's appearance will be quiet, but a different sort of quiet than usual. His nervous ticks will be much less for a time; he will not have seemed to feel so obliged to entertain, and he may feel more confident when he does voice his thoughts.

Re: Aslan!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 10:27 pm
by Arael
I think that right now, Arael is feeling the way you do when you wake up from a nightmare really panicked, only to realize that it wasn't real, and then you are just so, so happy for the life that is real and yours.

What happened just before Aslan appeared really shook Ara. Not that she doesn't know that bad things exist in the world, but she's pretty sheltered, and the idea that someone would do something as cruel and cold and selfish as Rabadash did when he attacked Archenland never felt real to her before. The fact that he was so arrogant and mocking in rejecting the forgiveness that was offered to him also made her feel very odd about the world, and helpless, but then.

Arael has always believed in kindness and justice and that Aslan exists, and that the world is on the whole a good place. Her little part of it certainly has been. On the other hand, she's not a philosopher. She accepts things for how they appear to be, and doesn't feel the need for a lot of what-ifs, so what Aslan would be like in person is probably not something she's ever thought about. Now, though, here he is, and of course he'd be like that. Of course Aslan could only ever have the last word, and of course he'd silence all of Rabadash's awful threats and make sure he could never hurt them again, and of course Aslan would be gentle and kind through it all, and end it with mercy. And of course his justice would make them laugh and be happy, and wouldn't be some grotesque, horrifying punishment.

So right now she is happy, and relieved, and the world feels right, but also bigger than it has ever felt to her before--but that's okay, because she also feels calmer and more secure in the world than she has ever felt before.

Re: Aslan!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 10:58 pm
by Tempest
Tempest has had a pretty rough life but she came to the place where sometimes all she had to hold on to was the hope of Aslan. It kept her going, even when life got rough or she made mistakes. For her, seeing Aslan was a relief and brought pure joy to her because she realized everything she'd been through was worth it because it had turned her /to/ him and not away, and pushed her to cling harder to what Aslan represented, and he was worth every scar and sleepless night. She feels like weeping and isn't quite sure why, and feels like going for a very long run to process. She very much wants to talk with him but the idea scares her a little. One of the things she cannot wait to do is tell some in her pack back home just how wonderful He is because it's something you know as soon as you look at him. She is in awe of the mercy shown Rabadash even when he put so many lives in danger, and she also admires the characters of the Archenlanders, that King Lune himself would pity the donkey-fied fool. She's very impressed, awed, and she craves more Aslan even if she can never talk to him. Just looking at him or listening to his voice would be enough.