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Distance Estimations

PostPosted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 8:46 pm
by Antheia
As those of you who've been around a while know, we've always struggled with portraying what a reasonable travel distance is without too severely limiting RP. The general rule of thumb is one border straight across to another border is one day. However, since regions aren't all perfect squares, this can still be confusing. For that reason, I'm going to try and list out some common city-to-city (or in some cases landmark-to-landmark) travel estimations. This will be flawed, since different species do not travel at the same rate, but take it as an average estimate, presuming 10 (give or take) hours of travel per day.
But Antheia! I want my character to travel through the night because she has urgent news! Okay, that's fine, just keep in mind that travel is really exhausting (think of how exhausting car trips are and then add to the attentiveness physical labor and exposure to the elements). Maybe your character puts in a grueling 18 hour day and makes it across 2 whole regions. That's fine but they better be pooped upon arrival.
But Antheia! I RP'd leaving my home today and the person I'm meeting in a room 3 regions away can only log on tomorrow! Okay, that's fine, just say it took 3 days and don't do that so often that you start messing up tangential people's timelines.

NOW: for the estimations.

Anvard <--> Coghill: An easy day's travel by horse. REFERENCE: Shasta makes it from the southern pass (south of Coghill) to the northern pass (north of Anvard) in a hard day's travel: by my estimation 9-12 hours, most of that on horse. Anvard to Coghill on horse, then, would be maybe 6-9 hours.
Anvard <--> Lancelyn Green: A hard day's travel by horse. There are a lot of forest rooms between these two towns. It might take you long enough that you choose to camp between the two, especially if you have a lot of cargo or it is winter, but it's very reasonable to say you made it in a full day.
Lancelyn Green <--> Carmichael: Another hard day's travel. You have to cross almost both whole regions to go from one to the other. Camping would be not only reasonable but even may be prudent, and probably necessary in winter, but you could technically do it in a long day.
Carmichael <--> Nieklot: Not yet built, but about a dayish.
Nieklot <--> Chesterton: Not yet built, but about a dayish.
Lancelyn Green <--> Chesterton: Not yet built, but about a dayish.
Coghill <--> Chesterton: Not yet built, but about a dayish.
Coghill <--> Lancelyn Green: About the same as Anvard to LG, maybe a little shorter.