Outside Winterden
You find yourself standing atop a cheerless rock of a foothill, skirting the base of the southern mountains so closely that the nearest one rises up to towering heights above you just to the south of where you stand. Its face is mostly rocky, but it is home to scattered trees, most of them coniferous and showing signs of crabbing from exposure even at this low altitude. A particularly large pine with exposed roots shelters a large opening beneath itself. A faint path leads back down into the deeper woods from here.
You can go: Enter the Den <S>, Down the Hill <N>
A wolf with a thick, black coat (Tempest)
You glance at Tempest.
====> She is wearing A Leather Satchel, and carrying A dead deer, and A dead fox.
Tempest pads up towards the den, a heavy deer draped across her back and a fox in her mouth.
Drune pads out of the den, his expression hard, his eyes hinting at a weariness deep within. Catching sight of Tempest, his ear perk up slightly as he eyes her kills and he grins.
Tempest wearily approaches and releases the fox to drop onto the ground. She crouches and rolls the deer off her back. "Ow...Hey Drune. When did you get back?
Drune sits, looking off into the woods. "A few days ago... " he sighs, his grin fading. "How are you faring?"
Tempest cleans a scratch on her paw. "Fine I guess. What news did you bring back?"
Drune shakes his head, frowning slightly "Nothing of any worth... I have yet to speak with Zayev. " he takes a breath "He has been rather seclusive these last few days, which has me on edge."
Tempest searches Drune's face before looking at the ground. "Oh..."
Drune looks back to her, a flash of sympathy striking his expression. "You alright Tempest?
Tempest shrugs. "Yeah."
Drune eyes her carefully, his expression neutral. He looks as if he is about to add something, but keeps quiet for the moment, looking back off into the woods, his gaze growing distant.
Tempest looks at him for a long moment before she sighs and pads over to one of the large rocks, jumping up onto it. "So now what?"
Drune hehs "I seek out this fish until either I perish of exhaustion or some evil... "
Tempest says, "What if this fish doesn't exist? What if it's just a myth? This thing can't be our only hope..."
Drune chuckles wryly, shaking his head. "The cordial is not and we have had nurmous healers come, with many cures attempted. Nothing... " he shrugs " It has been said to be extinct from /narnian/ waters, that doesnt mean it is fully lost... The world extends far beyond Narnia. " he continues, his expression becoming resolved.
Tempest tilts her head and watches him. "What does that mean? Will you head for Archenland?"
Drune nods "If need be... though, I figure we would know more of it if it remains in Archenland. "
Tempest's ears flick back and forth. "Would you travel that far alone?"
Drune shrugs "I have been far enough on my own before... what would make this any different?"
Tempest starts, "This is different..."
Drune inclines his head. "How so?"
Tempest asks, "It just is...what if you find it but can't get back in time...what if something happens to you?"
Drune sighs "I will have at least /tried/ and failed then not tried at all. If something happened to me? Well... at least I would have died with purpose..."
Tempest falls silent, staring at the rock beneath her paws.
Drune looks to her, searching her silently.
Tempest finally says, "You're my best friend. I don't want to lose both of you."
Drune blinks, looking caught off guard, he swallows. His countenance looking somewhat
Tempest jumps off the rock and begins to pace.
You say, "You wont lose me, I will come back... "He swallows, letting out a sigh and closing his eyes."
Tempest says, "I can't shake the feeling that change is coming, and fast and it might not be a good thing."
Drune inclines his head "How so?"
Tempest says, "I don't want to say it out loud."
Drune raises a brow. "Please?"
Tempest gives him a dirty look. "Fine, we'll talk about the elephant in the room. I'm worried that Mom's gonna die, ok?"
Drune closes his eyes, taking a breath. "Forgive me... "
Tempest shakes her head and looks away before jumping off her rock and laying down on the ground in front of him. "It's not your fault."
Drune moves towards her, sitting, his face overshadowed with sympathy. "I wish I knew what to do..." he swallows.
Tempest says, "Me too..."
You ask, "is there anything I can do for you?"
Tempest lays her head on her paws, her eyes still on him. "I wish you could stay here... I've never felt so helpless and alone in all my life. Except when Tainn..." she leaves the rest unsaid.
Drune takes a breath "I need to find the fish if there is any hope of saving your mother Tempest..."
Tempest whispers. "I know. I want to save her too."
Drune swallows "I dont want to leave you though..."
Tempest says, "It can't be helped..."
Drune inclines his head, looking thoughtful "Would you come with me for a moment?"
Tempest looks at him. "Why?"
Drune looks to her "Just trust me."
Tempest rises to her paws. "All right."
The Beach, at Stormness
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You stand on a jutting peninsula that overlooks the sea. Below you, a low, rocky cliff angles downward at odd angles into the water, where waves crash on jagged spars jutting up in all directions. It's a pretty view, but not much for diving.
To the west, the dense forests of the Great Woods of Narnia rise up in a great, leafy mass. You almost cannot see any way into it.
You can go: West <W>
Drune walks to the edge of the cliff, his claws hanging over. Gaze stretching out over the sea, he says nothing as he waits for tempest to come up behind him.
Tempest follows close behind him, a hair's breadth keeping them from touching. "What do you want to show me?"
Drune flicks his muzzle out to the sea. "Its not so much what I wanted you to see... it is what I want you to do. " he begins "Just take a breath... "
Tempest gives him a look. "Huh?" She stares at him like he's lost his mind.
Drune looks to her, his gaze peircing. "Just close your eyes, take a breath and let your fears and anxiety go. " he pauses "Even in this time of complete loss, there is light."
Tempest's expression sobers and she quietly does what she is told. She takes a breath and waits, slowly releasing it and taking an even deeper one.
Drune watches her a moment before looking out to sea once more. "Why do you still live and breath Tempest?"
Tempest gives him a startled look. "Huh?"
Drune presses. "/Why/ do you still live and breath?"
Tempest falters. "Because...I haven't died yet?"
Drune keeps a steady gaze on her. "Are you sure that is the only reason?"
Tempest asks, "The only one coming to mind at the moment." she pauses, then gives him a look. "Is it because you haven't pushed me off the cliff yet?
Drune chuckles wryly "I suppose... but why else?"
Tempest asks, "What do you want my answer to be?"
Drune takes a breath. "There is one out there whom still has a purpose for your life Tempest. If that were not so, you would not be alive. " he eyes her, a look something akin to deep care washing over his face. "When I first saw you as nothing more than a pup, not a day old, I knew there was something different about you. Little did I know what your life had in store for you, what trails
you would endure... but you still live today. Never lose sight of the fact that because you live and breath, you still have purpose."
Tempest's eyes grow misty and she looks out over the water after breaking her gaze away from his. "I wish I knew what it was."
Drune hehs once more "Indeed, the feeling is well known to me. I wish I know where to tell you to find it... Save for the Great Lion himself. You were, are and never will be alone Tempest. " he pauses "You know that, right?"
Tempest's eyes start to mysteriously leak.
Drune flinches as he watches her, his countenance starting to break down. He keeps silent - for the moment.
Tempest sniffs and gives him a half-hearted, dirty - albeit watery - look.
Drune eyes her carefully, searching her. "Tempest, it is /okay/ to let your feelings loose... Stop keeping them caged up within you."
Tempest grouses, "Why does letting my emotions out have to turn into a big production?
Drune lets his gaze drift back out to sea. "If you were not to cage them, then maybe they would not be such... /big/ events. " he pauses "Tempest, I am not asking you to let everyone see your emotions, I am simply asking that you let them out when the time comes."
Tempest grumbles something that sounds like a consent and turns her head away, rubbing her face on her leg to dry her eyes.
Drune closes his eyes, his ear flicking towards her as he catches her grumble. Taking a deep breath, he looks back to her, looking resigned. "I hope you will at least think on that... I cannot imagine how hard these times are for you, Tempest. When I joined Winterden, I joined knowing full well that among my duties, there were two of utter importance: To serve, and protect this pack. I intend to do just that, whatever the cost may be. You are as family to me Tempest, and the thought of losing you pains me greatly. I will do whatever I can to protect you and help you through these hard times. "
Tempest tips over the edge and starts bawling silently. "I was fine til you got all mushy." She garbles.
Drune brush up against her, his coutenance washing over with sympathy, he chuckles softly. "Tempest." he lets out a breath " Blame our Alpha... This time in the Woods has taught me much. Some years ago, I wouldnt have thought much of family, or my pack. Now, even in my most exhausted state, all my mind revolves around is Aslan and the safety of those whom I call my family. "
Tempest gives in and leans against him, sighing tiredly as her eyes continue to stream. "I'm okay with blaming everything on Zayev..."
Drune lets out a hearty laugh. "Well then, that is what we shall do." he returns, his countenance lightening a bit.
Tempest giggles, making a choked sound. She rubs her wet face on Drune's shoulder, letting his fur absorb some of the moisture. "What's gonna happen, Drune?"
Zayev comes trotting toward you out of the trees to the west.
====> Zayev is an adult Male Wolf, with gray fur and golden eyes.
====> He is wearing a Stone Pendant.
====> Zayev is the picture of health.
Drune is sitting on the edge of the cliff, tempest next to him, leaning on his shoulder. His gaze growing distant over the sea, he shakes his head. "I wish I knew..." he returns, his voice trailing.
Tempest's face is currently buried in Drune's shoulder, using his fur as a hanky of sorts. "Me too." She sighs.
Zayev pads in from the east, idly following a frog, just before snapping it up. Looking up he catches the scene and freezes awkwardly for a moment, analyzing the situation.
Drune takes a deep breath. "Only time will tell I suppose. Just remember what I told you..."
Tempest twists her head to look at him, still leaning against his shoulder. "Yeah, I will. You know, you're kinda sweet when you want to be...I'm really gonna miss you."
Zayev straightens and expermentally tosses out a greeting. "Drune, Tempest, hail."
Drune hehs, smiling warmly back to her. Then blinking, his ears flicking back towards the sound of Zayev's greeting. Nudging tempest softy off him, he turns quickly, eyeing Zayev carefully. After a moment, he nods to him "Zayev"
Tempest freezes, oblidgingly moving away when Drune nudges her. She catches his eye before she casually saunters a few steps away on the sand and starts pawing at a fascinating rock. "Oh, hi there Zayev." she greets nonchalantly.
Zayev nods to the two in acknowledgement of the hail, but looks mainly to Drune. "You met with Miriam?
Drune face instantly grows sober, he nods firmly. "I did..." his jaw clenching, as he looks away.
Tempest turns to face them both and sits, waiting expectantly.
Zayev swallows slightly at Drunes sudden tention. sighing he looks away a moment. "Your findings?"
Drune doesnt respond right away, swallowing. "...Nothing." he returns, looking down, his expression turning hard.
Tempest looks away, looking out over the ocean.
Zayev nods and sighs. "I see." he says simply, looking back towards the west for a moment.
Drune looks back up to him. "What would you have me do?"
Tempest waits to hear Zayev's response.
Zayev seems quiet, and thinks on this a moment, "Any other leads you have found?"
Drune shakes his head, frowning deeply. "None."
Zayev nods and looks to Tempest. "Were you able to speak to you mother at all?"
Drune looks over to tempest.
Tempest looks down. "A little..."
Zayev sighs, assuming from the response that she was unable to convince her. "I see," he turns again to Drune. "Welcome back to the den then Drune."
Drune blinks, looking to him, expression stricken. "What?!" he blurts.
Tempest observes the conversation stoicly.
Zayev tilts his head in confusion at Drune, silently promting an explination of the reaction.
Drune swallows, jaw clenching. "Have you nothing futher for me to do...? I /cannot/ sit here..." he says, his emotions beginning to spill out all at once. "...while she grows worse."
Zayev's eyes harden for a moment at the challenge in Drunes voice, though one who knew him well might, just might see a spark of approval, almost like that was the expected responce. "I have given you your task Hunter. What will you do to further it?"
Drune catches himself, staring at Zayev, his breathing rapid. "This night I would begin searching all of Narnia, if only I knew the location. I am half tempted to do so as it stands. " his jaw clenches "But that would prove foolish! Time is not on our side... I have spoken to their Majesties, with a healer,
even sought out the council! I will, this night, journey to the to moors themselves if it means that I can save her. " he lets out a low, seemingly exasperated growl. "But, I no not the location! Is there any others we can seek?!"
Tempest watches Drune intently.
Zayev growls and fixes Drune with a gaze. "This is the test of Guardian Drune. I. Don't. Know. The answers. The lesson must be learned that there are times where someones life..." his voice cracks here briefly. "Is at stake where the way is not clear, or even visible. We both wish to save Blizzard, everyone in the pack does,. But for all the effort mustered it is as nothing before the
task, for there may prove to be yet one, harsh truth..." You feel hungry.
Drune meets his gaze, his countenance hard. "If it is the last thing I do... I will find her that cure, or I will /die/ trying. " He swallows hard. "One of the pack will /not/ lose their life on account of me. " he says, a fire going from a spark in his eyes, to a raging inferno faster then a lightning strike.
Tempest finally speaks, her voice amazingly steady considering the amount of moisture on her face. "It won't be because of you, Drune..."
Zayev sits down suddenly, as iff all the energy has suddenly left him. "No Drune." he nods at Tempests words. his voice hollow, sad, but certain. "That is the harsh lesson. There are times nothing can be done. To 'Die trying' with no promise of success is not smart, or noble, wise or honorable or any of that. It is foolish. There are times that for all the will in the world, for all the wishing and seeking. It is Aslans will to call one of his own home..
Drune's mouth opens, his muzzle twitching, the fire within his eyes now burning unchecked. After holding his gaze a moment longer, he turns swiftly, coming to the edge of the cliff and letting out a howl. The sound is a mix of anger, and sorrow. Then, seeming to have lost the rest of his energy, he flops down on the edge of the cliff, closing his eyes.
Tempest approaches Drune and lays down beside him, pressing up against his side as she seeks to comfort him and draw some from him as well. She cries silently, laying her head down.
Zayev nods at the anguish in evidence and looks as if he's been shot himself. "I say not that such is the case" he murmers softly, just loud enough to be heard. "There is yet still hope. But the lesson is as true and needful to learn as it is harsh. Rest now for a fey days, recover your strength from your travels. I will speak soon of what else we may look to for aid. Tempest, Fear not, I love your mother and will not give up on her." he looks at her gently, "Or anyone." he says before turning and padding back to the den.
Drune's ear flick back at the sound of Zayev's words. His eyes still closed as Zayev pads off. Opening them a moment later, the weariness more than evident in his expression, he look over to Tempest. Swallowing hard, he rests his head on the ground, gazing out into the churning sea.
Tempest uses his shoulder fur as a handkerchief again and leans her head wearily on him.
Drune looks up into the night sky, letting out a breath. "So what now Tempest?" he asks, his voice low.
Tempest says, "I wish I knew..."
Drune shakes his head slowly. "How can I rest while my pack suffers..?"
Tempest says, "You can't fix everything. You being here is helping the suffering a whole lot more than if you were off chasing some mythical fish."
Drune keeps a steady gaze on the stars "But how? Your mother gets worse by the day... and I, am not closer to finding a cure."
Tempest rubs her paw at her eyes. "I can't do this alone..."
Drune looks back to her, the fire in his eyes gone, replaced by an odd light, "I am torn between what I feel I should do and what my heart calls me to do. " he sighs. " I think I have finally figured out the answer to both what I should do, and what my purpose is... as of this night. "
Tempest looks at him steadily. "What is that?"
Drune meets her gaze, his expression that of pure resolve. "I am not going anywhere. " he starts" I will be with you, Zayev and the rest of the pack for as long as needed. My duty is to the pack... my duty is to you. "
Tempest buries her face in his shoulder and begins to weep with relief.
Drune watches her, his gaze deep and thoughtful. Unmoving, he lets her weep, sympathy as evident on his expression as the tears streaming down her muzzle.
Tempest says, "I'm g-glad you're staying.. I don't w-want you to go."
Drune smiles softly. "You have my word, I will not leave your side unless absolutely necessary. " he offers, his voice low, but kind.
Tempest buries her face in his shoulder again, sniffling. After a little bit, her muffled voice says, "You need a bath."
Drune blinks, raising a brow to her and laughing suddenly. "So says you! " he bats at her with his paw, standing. Smiling warmly, he looks out across the sea one final time. "I suppose I accomplished what I brought you out here for..." he hehs softly.
Tempest makes a garbled sound and shakes her head vigorously, trying to clear the cobwebs. "Still haven't pushed me off the cliff."
Drune grins toothily, turning towards the woods and beginning to pad towards the den. "You hear that Tempest? " he says, pausing a moment.
Tempest tilts her head, listening. She looks at him.
You say, "I can hear it whispering through the Wood, the wind dances with it and the rising sun sings out its name. "
Tempest tilts her head at him again.
Drune looks back to her, the odd light in his eyes now dancing. "Hope." He returns. Then, after a moment, he motions her with his muzzle to follow.
Tempest is at his side in a moment to walk with him to the den.