These are very subject to change based on player ability! I will try to append this post with a note pointing to any changes when they occur, as well as editing this particular post. If you're not sure about something, please ask! If there's something you'd like to add or an event you'd like to lead/host, please let us know!
May.......................Preparations. Suitors begin arriving, including Darrin and Tyre.
May 28....5pm PST....Sted Cair celebrates Rabadash's arrival.
May 29
May 30...................The suitors travel to Beruna.
May 31...................The suitors travel to Lantern Waste.
June 1....10am PST....The suitors participate in a tournament.
June 2....................A melee contest open to all Narnians.
Other contests are held.
June 3....................The suitors return to Beruna.
June 4....................The suitors return to Sted Cair.
June 5....................Rabadash departs (in the morning ICly).