Some of our players at some point decided it might be useful to have an easily-accessible place to store their RP logs, and hey, blogging sites were right there, all set up for dated posts with tags and categories and options for multiple blogs on one account and even artsy layouts for the expressing of oneself. Couldn't have been set up better for our purposes if they'd been trying.
There's a frankly intimidating number of different blogging websites out there – Xanga, Blogger, Tumblr, Livejournal, Typepad, and Wordpress, just to name a few. Wordpress is the one I'm most familiar with and the one I've seen most often used in the context of logblogs, so that's the one I'll be discussing in this post. If anybody is familiar with another blogging site and has ideas about how to convert it to logblogging purposes, please share!
Setting Up Shop
The first and most important thing to remember, especially if you are blogging more than one character, is to be very careful to maintain alt secrecy. You don't want other players to be able to find out who your characters are just by clicking through a few pages. Fortunately, there are a couple of pretty easy ways to make sure this doesn't happen.
Wordpress displays a “nickname” publicly on every blog attached to one account. Obviously, you don't want “ladybug259” displayed at the bottom of every post from your centaur, your Coghill human, your faun, and also your aardvark, so here's how you fix that:

You get to this page by clicking "My Sites" in the top righthand corner, scrolling down to the bottom and clicking "WP Admin" in the menu on the right, hovering over "Users" in the new dropdown (wordpress is a maze since the update ugh), and then clicking "My Profile". Just change the “Public Display Name” field to an underscore ( _ ) and you are good to go. From the outside, it looks like your character is played by the same person who plays the other fifteen thirty forty or so logblogs authored by blogger “_”. Anonymity is awesome
Also, if you feel like leaving a comment on a log on somebody else's blog, do it anonymously. That way your signature won't lead back to your public profile and give it away.
The Fun Stuff
Other than that, go to town! Keep in mind that logs are easiest to read when there's an empty line between each pose, editing for spelling and grammar is totally acceptable, and hunger and travelspam is just annoying to wade through. Also remember that anybody can read the logs you post, so don't post anything you want kept secret. Play with tags and categories, see what works for you, and have fun!
(Also, you should link to your logblogs here if you are feeling like it so other people can see. Because. That would be fabulous.) XD
<3 Melz